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Omics Services


With years of project services and experience accumulation, CD Formulation keeps up with the forefront and commit to providing professional comprehensive multi-omics services to research institutes, medical institutions and other institutions around the world. If you'd like to learn more, we are happy to discuss your project and help you get the most out of your omics analysis.

What is Omics?

Omics Services

In biology, the word "omics" refers to the sum of constituents within a cell. The omics science aims to systematically identify, describe, and quantify biomolecules and molecular processes that contribute to the form and function of cells and tissues[1]. It mainly includes genomics, proteomics, microbiome, epigenomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics, immunoomics, glycoomics and RNA omics and so on. In the last decade, a variety of omics research techniques are constantly advancing and developing. Omics enable a comprehensive understanding of biological systems and biological systems through independent or integrated analysis of multiple omics and understanding of the basic state of genetic materials, proteins and metabolites at multiple levels in an unbiased manner.

What We Can Offer?

At CD Formulation, we provide a variety of omics. Our flexible services can be customized to your needs. We also can integrate multi-level omics analysis, compares and correlates batch data at different biomolecular levels, such as genome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, etc., establishes data relationships between molecules at different levels, and systematically and comprehensively analyzes the functions and regulatory mechanisms of biomolecules.

Contact Us

If you already know what you are looking for, use our top level menu for navigation. If you have a complex problem or would like to send us a general enquiry, please contact our omics experts for your projects. We are happy to support you.


  1. Rogers, Kara. "omics". Encyclopedia Britannica, 27 Sep. 2023, Accessed 28 December 2023.
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