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Spatial Transcriptomics Service


At CD Formulation, we offer a complete and seamless transcriptomics service package from end-to-end wet to dry LABS, which means we can handle everything from sample processing to data analysis, enabling you to gain valuable, repeatable, high-quality insights. If you are interested in our services, welcome to contact us.

What is Spatial Transcriptomics Service?

Spatial Transcriptomics Service

Spatial transcriptomics is the integration of gene expression with immunohistochemical staining images of tissues of concern, so as to locate the gene expression information of different cells in the tissue to the original spatial location of the tissue, and then directly observe the differences in gene expression in functional regions of different parts of the tissue. Spatial transcriptome techniques take advantage of both conventional in situ techniques and omics techniques. With the advent of spatial transcriptomics techniques, we can now link histology and genomics to deepen our understanding of cell organization and gene expression within tissues of interest.

Applications of Spatial Transcriptomics Service

In recent years, the development of spatial transcriptomics technology has made important progress, the cell flux detected, the number and quality of transcripts are constantly improved, and the spatial localization information is more accurate and comprehensive. At present, spatial transcriptomics technology can be applied to various areas include oncology, immune, developmental, neurological, etc.

Spatial Transcriptomics Service

10X Visium Spatial Transcriptomics Workfolw

Our specific experimental process is as follows:

A. Sample preparation. We can help you prepare the samples, and also optimize and determine whether the section covered the targeted area.

B. Imaging. Tissue sections are placed on slides containing RNA binding capture probes, and fixed and permeated so that mRNA in cells can be released and bound to the corresponding capture probes, thereby obtaining gene expression information.

C. library construction. Using captured RNA as a template for cDNA synthesis and sequencing library preparation.

D. Sequencing. The prepared sequencing library was conducted for second-generation high-throughput short-read and long-read sequencing.

E. Data visualization analysis. Combined with HE results, determine which genes are expressed, the level of expression, and the spatial location information of these genes. Our team of professional experts can help you get a great benefit from your results.

10X Visium Spatial Transcriptomics Workfolw

Advantages of Our Services

Spatial Transcriptomics Service Wide sample applicability. Suitable for most tissue types.

Spatial Transcriptomics Service Efficiency and reproducibility. The tissue section to library workflow can be completed in a few working days. Our workflow integrates with laboratory methods and tools for standardized and validated histological analysis.

Spatial Transcriptomics Service High resolution. An average resolution of 1-10 cells per barcoded spot on the tissue slide.

Contact Us

CD Formulation has extensive experience in spatial transcriptomics optimization and a team of professional data analysis scientists, and we look forward to working with you and escorting your research. If you are interested in our services, you are welcome to contact us at any time and we will be happy to help you with any questions.

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