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Proteomics Services


CD Formulation relies on its high-throughput mass spectrometry platform and practical experience to provide a series of proteomics services, including protein mass spectrometry identification, proteomics, protein post-translational modification omics, bioinformatics and downstream protein interaction validation.

Why do Proteomics Research?

Proteomics Services

Proteomics is the study of the interaction, function, composition and structure of proteins and their cellular activity [1]. Studying the proteome opens the way to studying and understanding biological systems and/or reactions. The development of proteomics technology has promoted the development of many fields. In the field of medicine, proteomics helps to study the molecular mechanism of disease. In the field of drug development, proteomics provides important information on the patterns of protein changes after drug application, including therapeutic and toxicological effects. Mass spectrometry is an important tool for the analysis of proteins in cells.

Applications of Proteomics Services

Proteomics services are widely used in basic research, disease research, and drug discovery and development.

  • Basic Research. In recent years, proteome research technology has been applied to various fields of basic research of life science, such as cell biology, neurobiology, etc. In terms of research objects, it covers the range of prokaryotic microorganisms, eukaryotic microorganisms, animals and plants, involving various important biological phenomena.
  • Disease Research. The application of proteomics in disease research is mainly to discover new disease markers, identify disease-related proteins as tools for early clinical diagnosis, and explore the pathogenesis and treatment of human diseases.
  • Drug Development. The greatest application prospect of proteomics is in the field of drug development, which can not only confirm existing drug targets, further clarify the mechanism of drug action, discover new drug action sites and receptors, but also be used for drug toxicology analysis and drug metabolites research.

What We Can Offer?

  • Protein identification and sequencing

Protein identification and sequencing

CD Formulation uses de novo sequencing technology and sequence database to accurately and systematically identify customer protein structures. In addition, we will achieve full sequence coverage of proteins through pre-prediction, multiple enzyme digestion, mass spectrometry, database comparison, sequence splicing, and sequence reverse verification.

  • Protein quantitative analysis

Protein quantitative analysis

CD Formulation combines advanced LC-MS/MS system analysis and bioinformatics analysis techniques to provide protein quantitative technical services. Our proteomics technology service platform will provide many users with high-throughput protein quantitative analysis to further facilitate the development of various field, including health and disease biology, drug target identification, and biomarker development.

  • Protein translational modifications (PTM) analysis

Protein translational modifications (PTM) analysis

CD Formulation provides high quality PTM analysis based on mass spectrometry technology. Here, we have built an advanced analytical platform that can be used to characterize various protein translations: including common phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitination, and acetylation, providing high reproducibility, sensitivity, specificity, and accurate quality data.

  • Protein-protein interaction assay 

Protein-protein interaction assay

CD Formulation provides very flexible and customized protein-protein interaction assay. You only need to send your needs and samples to us, and we will take care of all the follow-up matters: pretreatment, protein interaction experiment, mass spectrometry, mass spectrometry raw data analysis, etc.

Contact Us

Our scientists at CD Formulation are happy to provide you with a one-stop proteomics service and advise you on the most suitable solution to meet your project needs. Please contact us for more information.


  1. Al-Amrani S, Al-Jabri Z, Al-Zaabi A, Alshekaili J, Al-Khabori M. Proteomics: Concepts and applications in human medicine. World J Biol Chem. 2021 Sep 27;12(5):57-69. doi: 10.4331/wjbc.v12.i5.57. PMID: 34630910; PMCID: PMC8473418.
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