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Health Benefit Assessment for Veterinary Foods


With a deep understanding of the importance of optimal health in animals, CD Formulation offers a comprehensive suite of efficacy assessment services to scientifically validate the health benefits of new products. Through optimized in vivo and in vitro models, we evaluate formulations for functions such as immune support, gastrointestinal health, liver protection, joint care, cardiovascular support, and anti-aging effects.

Sample Requirements for Health Benefit Assessment

  • Customers should provide information such as the name, properties, specifications, batch number, production date, shelf life, storage conditions, formula, production process, quality standards, health functions and recommended intake of the test substance.
  • Customers are supposed to provide analysis reports on the main components, functional components/iconic components and possible harmful components of the test substance.
  • Samples should not contain stimulants, illegal drugs, or other prohibited substances.

What Can We Do to Evaluate the Health Benefits of Veterinary Products?


As a leading provider of preclinical research services, we have the expertise to evaluate potential immunomodulatory effects of veterinary products. Through validated assays of immune cell function, cytokine production and related biomarkers, we can determine how formulations may impact the immune system.


CD Formulation offers comprehensive assessment of gastrointestinal function for veterinary products. A variety of tests evaluate absorption capacity, microbiome composition, digestive enzyme activity, and gastrointestinal tissue health. This research helps validate formulations designed to support pet gut health and digestion.


Our services evaluate the effectiveness of veterinary products at promoting joint and bone health. Using validated methods, we analyze joint mobility, bone density, cartilage integrity, and other relevant parameters. A range of assays can analyze biomarkers for bone and cartilage metabolism, histopathology of tissues, and impacts on mobility.


CD Formulation has extensive experience assessing the anti-aging effects of nutraceuticals through longevity studies and multi-omics profiling. By evaluating markers of oxidative stress, inflammation, glucose regulation and more in aging animal models, we generate data showing how formulations may help support optimal organ function and quality of life into senior years.


We offer comprehensive evaluation of products aimed at supporting pet heart health. A wide array of tests can analyze biomarkers of cardiac function, vascular integrity, cholesterol levels, blood pressure and more to demonstrate formulations' potential for maintaining optimal cardiovascular wellness.


We can evaluate the efficacy of veterinary products in promoting liver health. Using validated methods, we analyze liver enzymes, function tests, histopathological analysis, and other relevant parameters. Then we can determine how formulations may promote optimal liver detoxification, protection from toxicity, and overall hepatic well-being.

Why Choose Our Veterinary Supplement/Food Health Benefit Assessment Services?

  • We assess supplements/foods holistically across physiology with validated models and assays.
  • Our veterinary and nutritional scientists provide accurate insights you can trust to advance formulations.
  • Flexible study designs cater research precisely to your product categories and intended health impacts.
  • Results pinpoint pathways for optimizing efficacy, safely delivering benefits to pets.
  • As a leading research provider, we apply extensive experience to support your brand's mission of improving animal health.

Are you developing innovative solutions to optimize pet health and longevity? At CD Formulation, we provide comprehensive evaluation of veterinary supplements and foods to scientifically validate their intended functional benefits. Contact us today to discuss substantiating your formulations' health-promoting abilities!

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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