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Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Care Function


CD Formulation is a leading provider of specialized gastrointestinal (GI) function testing services and strives for the development of nutrition-focused veterinary products. Through standardized assays, we comprehensively evaluate products for their ability to promote digestion, balance microbiota, improve motility, protect the gut lining and more.

Nutrient absorption processes in animals and their gastrointestinal microbiomesNutrient absorption processes in animals and their gastrointestinal microbiomes (Wernimont S.M.; et al. 2020)

How Do We Evaluate Gastrointestinal Function Improvement?

Promote Digestion and Absorption Through detailed analysis of veterinary products, we assess their impacts on enzymatic activity, nutrient breakdown, pancreatic and bile secretion, ultimately supporting optimal digestion and utilization of essential nutrients.
Balance Intestinal Flora By scrutinizing veterinary products' effects on the composition and diversity of the gut microbiota, which plays a pivotal role in maintaining gastrointestinal health, we gain insights into its ability to support a healthy and resilient gut environment.
Improve Gastrointestinal Motility We assess motility parameters like gastric emptying and intestinal transit rates to determine the product's influence. We also examine its effects on contractility of the stomach, small intestine and colon muscles using ex vivo assays, helping to prevent issues such as constipation or diarrhea.
Protect Gastric Mucosal We evaluate factors contributing to the integrity of the gastric lining to maintain optimal barrier function. This includes analyzing the product's impacts on ulcer formation, secretion of protective mucus and cytokines, and antioxidant activity in the stomach.
Inhibit Helicobacter pylori We evaluate factors contributing to the integrity of the gastric lining to maintain optimal barrier function. This includes analyzing the product's impacts on ulcer formation, secretion of protective mucus and cytokines, and antioxidant activity in the stomach.

Our Gastrointestinal Function Improvement Testing Projects

  • Weight Monitoring: Assess changes in bodyweight gain as an indicator of nutrient uptake and utilization.
  • Digestion and Absorption Rate Testing: Determine macronutrient breakdown and movement from stomach/small intestinal contents.
  • Digestive Enzyme Activity Testing: Measure levels of enzymes like amylase, lipase and proteases to evaluate digestive support.
  • Enteric Bacterial Typing and Quantification: Identify and enumerate proportions of bacterial phyla/genera comprising GI microbiota.
  • Fecal Analysis: Monitor dry weight, particle number, moisture, shape/consistency to evaluate GI transit and motility support.
  • In Vitro Gastric Cell Survival Testing: Use mouse cell lines to study protective effects on stomach mucosal integrity.
  • In Vivo Gastric Acid Secretion Testing: Employ tests like Shay's ulcer method in rodent models to assess anti-ulcer properties and influence on gastric pH levels.

Applications of Our Veterinary GI Function Evaluation Services

  • Target Animal Studies

Targeted research directly on pets such as dogs and cats can help verify clinical GI benefits. We can assess outcomes like fecal quality, appetite and signs of GI distress.

  • Product Development

Our testing services provide crucial data during the development phase of veterinary health products/foods. By evaluating their gastrointestinal care function, we can guide the development of effective products that support optimal gastrointestinal health in animals.

  • Comparative Analysis

By evaluating the gastrointestinal care function of different veterinary health products/foods, we can assess and compare their abilities to protect the GI system. This facilitates informed decision-making for product selection and formulation.

Why Choose Our Veterinary GI Function Evaluation Services?

  • We provide a comprehensive evaluation of the gastrointestinal care function of veterinary health products/foods.
  • Our testing services provide valuable insights into the efficacy and potential improvements of veterinary health products/foods.
  • We have the ability to test many types of samples and are able to evaluate foods, supplements, probiotics and pharmaceuticals.
  • We have a dedicated team of veterinary scientists and nutritionists, as well as data analysis experts for statistical analysis and interpretation.

As the industry leader in pet GI function evaluation, CD Formulation has the skills and resources to efficiently generate high-quality data applicable globally. If you have a nutrition supplement, probiotic or functional food in development stages, please contact us to discuss how our services can advance your project!


  1. Wernimont S.M.; et al. The effects of nutrition on the gastrointestinal microbiome of cats and dogs: Impact on health and disease. Front Microbiol. 2020, 11:1266.

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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