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Veterinary Health Care Products Customization


As a leader in animal health innovation, CD Formulation works with pharmaceutical companies and research organizations to provide customized solutions. Our formulation expertise is trusted to create precise solutions optimized for each partner's unique research and development needs. We strive to provide our partners with professional services and products suitable for their work to speed up the process of getting products to market.

Advancements in Veterinary Healthcare Products

Research and development of veterinary healthcare products is continuously evolving to meet the diverse needs of animals. With rising pet ownership and growing concerns around food safety, there is an intense focus on developing more targeted therapeutic and nutritional interventions for companion animals and livestock. New formulations enhance the delivery of vitamins, minerals and nutraceuticals to support the overall wellness of animals.

What Can We Do to Develop Veterinary Health Care Products?

Veterinary Nutrition Gel

As specialists in novel veterinary formulations, we expertly craft bioavailable gels containing nutrient blends for pets and livestock. Our precise development process produces gels that are highly palatable and support the absorption of essential vitamins, minerals, proteins and more when orally administered.

Veterinary Liquid Health Product

Through innovative formulations, we create tasty liquid supplements delivering balanced profiles of the nutrients that animals need. Whether incorporating vitamins, probiotics, omega fatty acids and more, our expertise ensures these valuable formulations are precisely dosed, stable and easily administered orally.

Veterinary Soft Granule and Lozenge

Leveraging extensive research, we can customize soft granules and lozenges for the targeted delivery of supplements. Our specialized technologies enable the production of these formulations with accurate compositions and properties like disintegration rates tailored to pet acceptance and health objectives.

Veterinary Nutrition Powder

By utilizing our formulation expertise, we create precisely balanced powders containing key nutrients for mixing into animal foods. Our innovative process results in products with consistent textures and long shelf-lives, supporting convenient supplementation of vitamins, minerals and other critical dietary elements.

Veterinary Nutrition Tablet

Applying extensive knowledge of tablet technology, we can customize formulations and develop methods to produce palatable tablets delivering complete nutrition. Robust stability testing confirms our tablets maintain potency throughout their shelf life for easy, effective dosing.

Applications of Our Veterinary Health Care Products Customization Services

  • Targeted Health Support

Our services focus on providing targeted support for various aspects of animal health, including immune system enhancement, joint and bone health, digestive support, skin and coat improvement, weight management, and age-related concerns.

  • Species-Specific Solutions

We understand that different animal species have unique nutritional requirements. Our expertise allows us to develop species-specific health products to cater to the specific needs of pets, livestock, and other animals.

Advantages of Our Veterinary Health Care Products Customization Services

  • Tailored formulations to meet specific animal health needs.
  • Incorporation of research and innovation to deliver cutting-edge solutions.
  • Collaboration with veterinarians and experts for customized and effective products.
  • Flexibility in dosage forms, ingredient combinations, and dosages.
  • Contribution to overall animal well-being and improved quality of life.

CD Formulation specializes in catering to the needs of pharmaceutical companies and research institutions seeking tailored solutions for their animal health products. With a strong emphasis on customization, we work closely with our clients to create unique formulations that align with their specific requirements. Contact us to unlock the potential of your pharmaceutical research and enhance the well-being of animals!

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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