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Veterinary Nutrition Powder Customization


CD Formulation is a trusted provider of customized veterinary nutritional powder services. We specialize in developing tailored formulations that meet the specific nutritional needs of animals. Our expertise lies in creating versatile powders that can be easily incorporated into various animal feeds, ensuring convenient consumption. With a focus on precision and effectiveness, we offer customizable dosages to address specific requirements and health conditions.

Veterinary Nutrition Powder Customization

Why are Veterinary Nutritional Supplements Made into Powder?

Veterinary nutrients in powder form offer several benefits in the context of animal health. Powdered nutrients are highly versatile and can be easily mixed into different types of animal feed or even administered directly. The fine texture of powders enhances their solubility and digestibility, promoting optimal nutrient absorption by animals. Powdered veterinary nutrients also allow for precise dosage customization, catering to the specific needs of different animal species, sizes, and health conditions. Furthermore, they can be reconstituted into liquids prior to consumption, improving palatability and ensuring complete consumption of the formulated nutrients.

What Veterinary Nutritional Ingredients Can We Formulate into Powder?

Vitamins Minerals Amino Acids and Proteins
  • Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K
  • Water-soluble vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, niacin
  • Macrominerals calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride, potassium
  • Microminerals zinc, copper, selenium, iodine, manganese
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Casein
  • Phytase
  • Protease
  • Milk
Fatty Acids Digestive Health Joint Support
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Fish/krill oils
  • Probiotics
  • Prebiotics
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Glucosamine
  • Chondroitin sulfate
Skin and Hair Health Immune Support Weight Management
  • Omega-6 fatty acids
  • Biotin
  • Zinc
  • Antioxidants
  • Beta-carotene
  • Selenium
  • Fiber supplements
  • L-Carnitine

Our Veterinary Nutritional Powder Development Process

Formulation Design
Our scientists formulate precise compositions based on intended use, species and health benefits.
Ingredient Sourcing
High-quality vitamins, minerals, proteins and other additives are sourced from verified suppliers.
Particle Size Analysis
Testing ensures uniform powder sizes/distribution for optimal flow and dissolution.
Content Uniformity Testing
Assays verify consistent ingredient distribution across batches.
Microbial & Heavy Metal Testing
Screening confirms powder safety and reliability.
Stability Testing
Real-time and accelerated aging evaluate shelf-life under various storage conditions.
Palatability Trials
Powders are evaluated for taste, odor and acceptance by the target animals.
Powders are packaged in properly labeled containers for intended use.

Our Platforms for Veterinary Nutritional Powder Development

  • Ingredient Database

Robust in-house library of viable minerals, vitamins, proteins and additives.

  • Analytical Capabilities

Comprehensive analytical methods for content uniformity, stability, dissolution and more.

  • Dry Blending

Advanced blending technologies uniformly distribute ingredients at commercial scales.

  • Microencapsulation

Option to microencapsulate actives using fluidized bed or spray drying.

  • Particle Engineering

Technologies control particle size and properties for optimal flow and solubility.

  • Encapsulation

Binders enable particulate or bilayer granule/pellet encapsulation.

  • Stability Chambers

Stability chambers validate long-term product shelf-life under stress.

Advantages of Our Veterinary Nutrition Powder Customization Services

  • Tailored formulations for precise nutritional support.
  • Mix into various animal feeds easily.
  • Enhanced absorption and utilization due to increased surface area.
  • Customizable dosages to meet specific animal requirements.
  • Targeted nutrition for specific health conditions and dietary needs.
  • Extended shelf life and cost-effective solutions.
  • Backed by scientific research and veterinary expertise.

Whether it's supporting overall health, targeting specific conditions, or meeting dietary needs, CD Formulation's customized veterinary nutritional powder services provide optimal nutrition for the well-being of animals. Contact us to discuss how we can custom formulate nutritional powders to meet your unique needs.

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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