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Veterinary Nutrition Tablet Customization


CD Formulation specializes in formulating tailored tablets that meet the unique nutritional needs of animals. With a focus on quality, safety, and effectiveness, our services ensure optimal health and well-being for pets through precise nutrient delivery.

Types of Veterinary Nutrition Tablets

Tablets are a versatile form ideal for veterinary applications.

Veterinary Nutrition Tablet Customization

The chewable tablets are suitable for inclusion in an animal's feed or as a daily snack. These soft tablets are easy to chew or crush during administration. They are often formulated to have scents and flavors that appeal to pets and enhance their compliance, without compromising the efficacy of the nutritional ingredients.

The effervescent tablets quickly dissolve in water to form a palatable solution that is easy for pets to ingest. Effervescent tablets can be mixed into your pet's daily drinking water or food, making them easy to use. Vitamin C is often used as a nutritional supplement for pets in the form of effervescent tablets.

effervescent tablets

How Can We Customize Nutrition Tablets for Veterinary Health Care?

  • Veterinary Trace Element Tablets

We have significant experience developing trace element tablets. These nutrients are essential in often minute amounts. We leverage our precise formulation capabilities to produce palatable tablets containing optimal ratios of minerals such as zinc, copper, selenium and more.

  • Veterinary Vitamin Tablets

Our vitamin tablets for veterinary use are meticulously developed to provide essential nutrients and support optimal health for animals. Through careful formulation and precise dosing, we ensure that our tablets deliver the necessary vitamins in a convenient and palatable form, promoting overall well-being and vitality for animals.

  • Veterinary Joint Care Tablets

Leveraging extensive knowledge of joint health ingredients, our scientists can custom formulate palatable tablets for canine and equine joint support. Through cutting-edge technologies, our glucosamine and chondroitin tablets work to replenish cartilage and lubricate joints.

  • Veterinary Immunity Protection Tablets

By combining immune-supporting vitamins, herbs and probiotics, researchers at CD Formulation carefully craft multi-functional tablets for animals. Nutrients such as zinc, vitamins A, C, D and E contribute to robust immunity.

  • Veterinary Digestive Tablets

Gastrointestinal health is crucial for animals' overall wellness. We utilize our formulation expertise to develop veterinary digestive tablets containing prebiotics, probiotics and digestive enzymes. By maintaining the optimal gut microbiome and aiding nutrient breakdown and absorption, our propriety blends work to support nutrient assimilation and strengthen intestinal fortitude.

  • Veterinary Urological Protection Tablets

Kidney and bladder maintenance is essential for pets and livestock alike. We custom formulate palatable tablets with active ingredients like cranberry and L-theanine shown to support urinary tract health in animals.

What Can We Do for Veterinary Nutrition Tablet Development?

  • Formulation design
  • Release profiling
  • Disintegration testing.
  • Ingredient selection
  • Content uniformity
  • Palatability trials
  • Tablet production
  • Stability testing
  • Packaging and labelling

Advantages of Our Veterinary Nutrition Tablet Customization Services

  • Tailored formulations for precise nutrient delivery.
  • Convenient administration for pets.
  • Targeted support for specific health conditions and dietary needs.
  • High-quality ingredients for optimal efficacy and safety.
  • Enhanced absorption and bioavailability of nutrients.
  • Scientifically backed formulations designed by veterinary experts.
  • Improve the overall health and well-being of animals.

Through consultative product design and extensive experience, CD Formulation customizes nutritional tablet formulations to precisely meet customers' needs. Our experienced team can tailor ingredients, coatings, release profiles and more. Contact us to discuss developing a novel nutrition supplement tablet to benefit animal health!

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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