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Analysis Services for Veterinary Products


CD Formulation specializes in the comprehensive testing and analysis of veterinary products, ensuring their safety and efficacy. Our scientists have deep expertise in a wide range of analytical techniques including chromatography, spectrometry, automation and more. Whether you need to test veterinary drugs, foods, vaccines, supplements or cleaning products, we have validated methods tailored to your unique matrices.

What Can We Do for Veterinary Product Analysis?


Our ingredient analysis services for veterinary food and health products provide comprehensive insights into the composition and quality of your products. We utilize cutting-edge techniques like mass spectrometry, spectroscopy and chromatography to precisely identify and quantify ingredients in complex matrices down to trace levels.


CD Formulation offers robust veterinary drug analysis capabilities to support pharmaceutical development and safety. Clients can rely on our analytical expertise for stability testing, dissolution/impurities profiling, bioburden screening and other services needed to develop, register and assure the quality of innovative veterinary drug products.


CD Formulation provides customized analytical services for veterinary cleaning and toiletry product testing. Our scientists implement standardized and validated methods to evaluate key product characteristics such as ingredient identification and content uniformity, antimicrobial effectiveness, toxicity on cell lines and tissues, as well as cleaning performance on common materials.


Using advanced techniques, we identify and quantify contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, mycotoxins, allergens and other chemical/microbial hazards down to parts per μg levels. Clients turn to our stringent testing for raw materials, finished goods and environmental samples to detect issues, fulfill compliance and protect animal and public health.

Our Testing Programs for Veterinary Product Analysis

Composition Identification
  • Ingredients, additives, nutrients, allergens
  • Label claim verification
  • Brand authenticity
Drug Analysis
  • Active pharmaceutical ingredients
  • Drug residues, impurities
  • Dissolution/release testing
Microbial Testing
  • Sterility, bioburden, preservatives
  • Mycoplasma, endotoxins
  • Microbial limits, functionality
Contaminant Screening
  • Heavy metals, dioxins, BPA/phthalates
  • Pesticides, mycotoxins, nitrosamines
  • Pathogens, toxigenic fungi
Physical/Chemical Analysis
  • Appearance, viscosity, pH, moisture
  • Disintegration, color, packaging
  • Assay, related substances
Stability Indicating
  • Forced degradation, shelf-life
  • Temperature/humidity studies
  • Photostability testing

Our Platforms for Veterinary Product Analysis

Chromatography: HPLC, GC, IC for separation and identification of ingredients, residues and degradants.

Mass Spectrometry: LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS for highly sensitive quantitation of contaminants, drugs and compounds.

Molecular Techniques: PCR and biosensors for sterility confirmation and strain identification.

Spectroscopy: FTIR, NMR for structure determination and confirmation of molecules.

Automated Liquid Handling: For high throughput sample preparation and microbial assays.

Particle Characterization: Laser diffraction, microscopy for formulations and structures.

Bioanalytical Methods: ELISAs, cellular assays for the quantification of antigens, pathogens and toxins.

Stability Chambers: For establishing and monitoring product expiry and shelf life.

Why Choose Our Analysis Services for Veterinary Products?

  • Decades of experience supporting animal health brands through rigorous analysis of diverse product types from foods to drugs.
  • Methods and laboratories customized for animal-oriented samples like tissues, secretions and environmental samples found in veterinary settings.
  • Targeted methodology and expertise in the analysis of veterinary-specific ingredients, biomarkers and contaminants of concern.
  • Multi-species formulation expertise to address the unique analysis needs of equine, canine, feline and other specialty product lines.

Are you developing innovative veterinary medications, foods or other animal care solutions that require analytical characterization and testing support? At CD Formulation, we leverage our industry-leading scientific expertise to meet the unique analytical needs of the veterinary product industry. To discuss your current testing requirements or learn more about how we advance animal-focused innovation, contact us today!

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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