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Veterinary Product Contaminant Detection



CD Formulation specializes in analyzing veterinary products to ensure their safety and efficacy. Our contaminant testing services are designed to identify and quantify potential contaminants, including heavy metals, pesticides, toxins and microbial contaminants, ensuring that your veterinary products meet the highest quality standards.

How to Define Contaminants in Veterinary Products?

Contaminants are unintended substances or microorganisms present in a veterinary product that were not deliberately added during the manufacturing process.

  • Common chemical contaminants include heavy metals, pesticide residues, dioxins/furans, mycotoxins, nitrosamines, and processing/packaging contaminants like BPA, phthalates, dyes, etc.
  • Microbiological contaminants are typically pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. Examples are Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, and various opportunistic microbes.

What Contaminants Can We Detect?

  • Antibiotic Residue
  • Pesticide Residue
  • Microorganism
  • Heavy Metal
  • Dioxins
  • PCBs and Derivatives
  • PAHs
  • Histamine
  • Prohibited Pigments
  • Melamine
  • PCP
  • Plasticizers
  • VOCs
  • Allergens
  • Spiroplasma

Our Microbiology Testing Services

Sterile Products Bioburden Testing
  • We perform bioburden testing to determine the number of viable microorganisms present in raw materials and non-sterile products.
  • Using automated microbial enumeration, we identify and quantify bacteria, yeast and mold under controlled conditions.
Sterility Testing
  • For sterility validation of aseptically processed injectables, ophthalmics and medical devices, we follow compendial methods like USP <71> and ISO 11737.
  • Multiple batches are incubated for 14 days to confirm no microbial growth is present.
Endotoxin Testing
  • Endotoxins released from gram-negative bacteria can cause fever reactions.
  • We utilize the kinetic chromogenic LAL assay to detect and quantify endotoxins in samples down to 0.001 EU/mL.
  • Tests comply with pharmacopeial methods including USP <85> and EP 2.6.14.
Non-Sterile Products Microbial Limits Testing
  • To evaluate microbial quality and stability, we conduct microbial limits testing per compendial methods like USP <61> and EP 2.6.12.
  • Samples are inoculated with various organisms like S. aureus and P. aeruginosa under controlled conditions.
  • Counts are recorded to ensure products meet strict pass/fail specifications.
Preservative Efficacy Testing
  • We perform preservative efficacy testing to confirm antimicrobial preservatives effectively prevent microbial contamination under use conditions. Samples are challenged with microbes following standards like USP <51> and ASTM E2783.
  • Tests verify that preservatives inhibit growth according to established success criteria.
Other Services Mycoplasma Testing
  • Mycoplasmas are minimal bacteria that can contaminate cell cultures and cause production issues.
  • We conduct PCR-based mycoplasma testing per USP <63> to detect 30+ mycoplasma species and strains.
  • Samples are cultured, extracted and analyzed by quantitative PCR to detect contamination below 10 CFU.
Spiroplasma Testing
  • Spiroplasma is a motile mycoplasma genus that poses risks to research and therapy.
  • Our validated PCR assay screens for the presence of 24 Spiroplasma species following guidelines from the European Pharmacopoeia 2.6.7.
  • DNA is extracted directly from samples and subjected to real-time quantitative PCR for sensitivity down to 1 CFU.

Our Chemical Contaminants Testing Services

  • Heavy Metals: Accurate detection and quantification of lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic contaminants.
  • Pesticides and Herbicides: Identification and measurement of pesticide and herbicide residues for regulatory compliance.
  • Toxins and Mycotoxins: Reliable testing for aflatoxins, ochratoxins, and patulin to ensure product safety.
  • VOCs: Sensitive detection of volatile organic compounds like benzene, toluene, and formaldehyde.
  • Endocrine Disruptors: Analysis of phthalates, bisphenols, and parabens to identify potential health risks.
  • Environmental Contaminants: Assessment of PCBs, dioxins, and furans to ensure compliance and environmental safety.
  • Residual Solvents: Accurate detection of residual solvents in pharmaceuticals for quality assurance.

Why Choose Our Contaminant Detection Services?

  • Decades of experience supporting animal health brands through rigorous contaminant analysis.
  • Cutting-edge instrumentation like ICP-MS, GC-MS, LC-MS/MS, and ELISA for accurate, sensitive testing.
  • Robust methods validated for various matrices including foods, tissues, extracts and environmental samples.
  • Customized testing strategies to meet unique sample types, specifications and regulatory requirements.
  • Fast turnaround on new method development and validation protocols to streamline product development.

Are you looking for a trusted partner to support your animal health company's quality and safety testing needs? As the industry leader in veterinary product contaminant analysis, CD Formulation provides customized solutions and gold-standard results. To discuss initiating new product testing or improving existing programs, please contact us!

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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