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Pet Cleaning & Toiletry Product Analysis



CD Formulation is a premier testing organization supporting formulation innovation in the veterinary hygiene space. For over 20 years, we have partnered with leading brands to analyze the composition and effectiveness of shampoos, conditioners, disinfectants, and other grooming products. Using techniques like GC-MS, ICP-MS, and microbiological challenge assays, we evaluate ingredients, verify claimed disinfection levels, and screen for contaminants.

Types of Cleaning & Toiletry Products We Can Test

  • Pet Shampoo Detection

CD Formulation offers comprehensive analytical testing services to support the development and quality control of pet shampoos. Our laboratory analyzes shampoo formulations to verify ingredient labels and measure antimicrobial efficacy. Other tests include stability studies, preservative challenge assays, irritancy evaluations, and testing of viscosity, pH and other key physical properties.

  • Pet Disinfection Product Detection

We utilize advanced methods like quantitative carrier tests and ASTM standards to accurately determine the antimicrobial effectiveness of various active ingredients against targeted pathogens. Additionally, we can investigate degradation products and make sure that concentrated or ready-to-use formulas meet their intended specifications over time.

  • Pet Oral Hygiene Product Detection

To support the development of safe and effective pet oral cleaning items, CD Formulation analyzes formulations for ingredients and antimicrobial activity. This includes testing toothpastes, mouthwashes and dental chews through techniques like microbial challenge assays, tooth staining assessments, and quantifying active compounds. Our data ensures pet oral hygiene products deliver the intended fresh breath and cleaner teeth.

  • Pet Deodorization Product Detection

CD Formulation offers analytical services tailored to pet deodorizing items like sprays, wipes, and powders. We evaluate key attribute claims through odor measurement, longevity testing and quantitative analysis of active odor eliminators. A further assessment includes checking ingredient lists and ensuring product stability over the stated shelf life. Our testing facility works to develop effective formulations for minimizing pet odors.

Our Pet Cleaning & Toiletry Product Testing Projects

Ingredient Analysis We perform comprehensive ingredient identification and quantification using techniques like spectroscopy, chromatography and mass spectrometry.
Formulation Assessment Our scientists evaluate product formulations to ensure stability, compatibility and targeted performance.
Safety Testing Rigorous assessments are conducted for potential allergens, irritants or harmful substances through advanced analytical methods.
Microbiological Testing Identification and quantification of microorganisms allows verification of product safety and intended antimicrobial efficacy.
Stability Testing Products are assessed under various storage conditions to determine shelf-life and check formulation integrity over time.
Skin Compatibility Testing Evaluation of a product's effects on the skin is conducted to ensure its suitability and safety for pets.
Efficacy Testing Verification of cleaning, deodorizing or disinfection properties confirms a product's intended functional attributes.

Why Choose Our Cleaning & Toiletry Product Analysis Services?

  • We have a team with deep expertise and experience specializing in the analysis of pet cleaning and toiletry products.
  • We have an in-depth understanding of market dynamics, technology development trends and user needs for pet products, and can provide accurate and professional analysis data for research institutions and companies.
  • We provide comprehensive data support, including product and ingredient analysis, performance evaluation, safety testing and other aspects.
  • We take strict confidentiality measures to ensure that our clients' data and reports are not leaked or misused.

Committed to innovation that enhances pet wellness, CD Formulation offers flexible, strategic support adapted to your unique targets and timelines. To discuss how we can help bring your vision for the next breakthrough pet care solution to life, contact us today!

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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