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Genotoxicity Studies Services for Nucleic Acid Drugs


Genotoxic substances can cause DNA damage at extremely low concentrations, leading to genetic mutations and an increased risk of tumor development. Therefore, controlling these impurities is crucial for the safety of chemicals and pharmaceutical products. CD Formulation, with years of industry experience and an advanced technology platform, offers comprehensive genotoxicity research services for nucleic acid drugs, ensuring product safety to high standards in a scientific manner.

Why is Genotoxicity Studies Necessary?

The genotoxicity studies of nucleic acid drugs aims to identify and assess ingredients or impurities that may cause DNA damage directly or indirectly. If not controlled effectively, these issues can have profound effects on the genetic material of organisms, even resulting in the risk of genetic mutations. Due to the potential introduction or formation of new genotoxic impurities during drug synthesis, storage, and formulation processes, the breadth and depth of research are particularly important. Through comprehensive genotoxicity analysis and the prediction and control of potential genetic impacts, these studies ensure the anticipated safety of nucleic acid drugs in diverse and complex application environments. In addition, adhering to the strict requirements and control strategies for genotoxic impurities imposed by international regulatory bodies is key to strengthening compliance in drug development. Thus, conducting in-depth genotoxicity studies is not only for the safety of the research process but also for meeting regulatory compliance and market entry standards, jointly promoting the scientific and market-driven development of nucleic acid drugs.

Explore Our Genotoxicity Studies Services for Nucleic Acid Drugs

Items Descriptions
Genotoxic Impurity Assessment Through comprehensive process analysis, we predict potential genotoxic impurities that may be present during product generation, providing scientific impurity assessment reports. Our assessment services include classification and hazard coefficient analysis of potential impurities.
Impurity Limit Assessment In accordance with international guidelines, we grade detected impurities and set limit standards to effectively manage and control different stages of product development.
Detection Method Development and Validation We develop and validate detection methods for genotoxic impurities, including adaptability, specificity, as well as detection and quantification limits.
Control Strategies Based on assessment and detection results, we formulate scientifically sound control strategies to help clients effectively manage genotoxic impurity risks and reduce the product's potential carcinogenic risks.
Genotoxicity Testing We offer comprehensive genotoxicity testing services by combining both in vitro and in vivo experiments, including Ames test and micronucleus assay.

Our Solutions of Genotoxicity Studies Services for Nucleic Acid Drugs

  • Customized Plan Design - We can design evaluation and testing schemes most suitable for clients' specific needs and process characteristics, ensuring efficient and precise service outcomes.
  • Multifaceted Testing Methods - Our testing technologies employ various precision analytical instruments such as LC/MS, GC/MS, meeting the detection needs of different impurity types and achieving diversity and accuracy in testing methods.
  • Enhanced Data Management - Systematic data collection and analysis guarantee data integrity and reliability, providing clients with credible research results.

Workflow of Genotoxicity Studies Services for Nucleic Acid Drugs Services

Fig.1 Process diagram for genotoxicity studies in nucleic acid drugs.Fig.1 Flow chart of genotoxicity studies for nucleic acid drugs. (CD Formulation)

  • Demand Analysis - Tailor toxic impurity research strategies based on clients' specific requirements, ensuring precise and efficient solutions.
  • Accurate Identification and Evaluation - We use advanced technology to quickly identify and thoroughly evaluate potential toxic impurities in processes.
  • Comprehensive Experimental Verification - Validate the toxic characteristics of impurities through multi-level experimental techniques, ensuring research data reliability.
  • Detection Development and Standardization - Innovatively develop detection methods and conduct rigorous validation to ensure compliance with international standards.
  • Continuous Optimization and Support: We provide continuous dynamic feedback and optimization suggestions, assisting clients in enhancing product development and compliance success rates.

Our Technology Platforms

CD Formulation possesses a variety of advanced analytical instruments, including MS, HPLC, GC, enabling the selectivity of genotoxic impurity analysis methods, ensuring data reliability and accuracy.

Our Advantages of Genotoxicity Studies Services

  • Regularly update project progress, sharing development ideas with clients to ensure project transparency and active client participation.
  • A highly experienced project team fully responsible, offering personalized project management and timely responses to ensure service efficiency.
  • Flexibly allocate technical, equipment, and human resources to accelerate project processes, ensuring goals are achieved with high quality and efficiency.

Publication Data

Technology: Genotoxicity testing platform utilizing mass spectrometry

Journal: Archives of toxicology

IF: 4.8

Published: 2017


As life expectancy increases, genetic integrity risks rise, leading to more age-related diseases and healthcare costs. Preventive strategies need to evaluate DNA threats, focusing on DNA damage response (DDR) and repair (DR) mechanisms. Alternative in vivo test systems are needed for research and toxicology risk assessment. Challenges include evaluating the combined toxicity of environmental genotoxins and anticancer drugs. This review suggests Caenorhabditis elegans as a model for studying genotoxin effects, highlighting its effectiveness in DDR and DR research. C. elegans supports large-scale in vivo screenings and sequencing. It discusses DDR and DR mechanisms and genotoxin study data, advocating for established protocols to utilize C. elegans in genetic toxicology.

Fig.2 Sample timeline for conducting genotoxicity testing.Fig.2 Exemplified schedule for genotoxicity testing. (Honnen S. et al., 2017)

In the field of genotoxicity studies, CD Formulation upholds a scientifically rigorous attitude, earning client trust with innovative solutions and efficient project management capabilities. We are committed to providing high-standard research support to global clients, and jointly embrace industry challenges and opportunities with partners. Contact us, and we will tailor solutions for your project.


  1. Honnen S. Caenorhabditis elegans as a powerful alternative model organism to promote research in genetic toxicology and biomedicine. Arch. Toxicol. 2017, 91(5): 2029-2044.
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