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Custom Labeled Liposome Service


Labeled liposomes can be utilized for targeted delivery of imaging contrast agents to tumors, offering a promising diagnostic platform for cancer therapy. CD Formulation is dedicated to leveraging cutting-edge technologies and expertise to develop diverse labeled liposomes.

What are Labeled Liposomes?

Liposomes, serving as a versatile drug delivery system, have gained increasing popularity. Various modifications have been implemented to enhance their imaging capabilities, such as increasing the loading capacity of imaging probes, optimizing polyethylene glycol (PEG) for prolonged circulation, reducing immune recognition, and customizing surface ligands for tissue-specific targeting. Labeled liposomes have been developed as contrast agents for multimodal imaging by incorporating imaging probes including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and optical imaging.

Fig.1 Diagram showing [111In]-Liposome with its components and encapsulated [18F]-CarboplatinFig.1 Schematics showing [111In]-Liposome and its components along with encapsulated [18F]-Carboplatin. (Lamichhane N, et al., 2017)

Our Custom Labeled Liposome Customization Service

Custom Labeled Liposome Service for Flow Cytometry

We offer labeled liposome customization services for flow cytometry.

Custom Labeled Liposome Service for In Vivo Imaging

Multivesicular liposome drug delivery can be achieved via various administration routes, such as intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous, subarachnoid, intra-articular, intravitreal, and epidural injections. We can provide research on diverse methods of drug delivery.

Our Platforms for Labeled Liposome Customization

Techniques and Platforms Specifics
Labeling techniques
  • Labeling techniques include fluorescent labeling and radioelement labeling.
Characterization techniques
  • Lipid characterization.
  • Size distribution.
  • Morphology (including cryo-SEM).
  • Encapsulation efficiency and free drug.
  • Residual solvent content.
In vitro and In vivo characterization platform
  • In vitro characterization is mainly for flow cytometry.
  • In vivo characterization for imaging.

Why Choose CD Formulation?

  • Cutting-edge labeling delivery platform. The platform supports the development of innovative labeling of liposome products, allows the study of their reaction mechanisms, and provides customers with system customization services.
  • Techniques for labeling liposomes. We employ advanced liposome labeling technologies, encompassing preparation and characterization techniques, to ensure the superior quality of tailored products for our clientele.
  • The proficient teams. The technical team comprises seasoned and highly skilled experts proficient in liposome labeling technology, with diverse multidisciplinary backgrounds and extensive field knowledge.

Published Data

Technology: [111In]-lipid nanoparticle technique

Journal: Molecules

IF: 4.9

Published: 2017

Results: In this paper, the authors utilized [111In]-lipid nanoparticle platform as a drug delivery carrier and encapsulated a novel 18F-labeled cisplatin drug derivative ([18F]-FCP) as a dual molecular imaging tool with radioactive labeling and radiolabeling. This method has the potential for clinical translation using a dual-modality approach of clinically relevant radioisotope 18F positron emission tomography (PET) and 111In single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in individual patients. [111In]-lipid nanoparticles were synthesized and evaluated in vivo using biodistribution and SPECT imaging. Qualitative analysis of the SPECT images and quantitative analysis of the PET images showed the same activity patterns during imaging and demonstrated the feasibility of single dual-labeled nanostructure dual tracer imaging.

Fig.2 In vivo imaging of a normal nude mouse post-injection with [111In]-Liposome and its distribution.Fig.2 In vivo SPECT images of normal nude mouse injected with [111In]-Liposome and distribution. (Lamichhane N, et al., 2017)

As a leading company in nanoparticle development, CD Formulation is dedicated to providing excellent labeling of liposome products. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any assistance.


  1. Lamichhane N, Dewkar GK, et al. [18F]-Fluorinated Carboplatin and [111In]-Liposome for Image-Guided Drug Delivery. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2017; 18(5):1079.
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