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Veterinary Lyophilized Formulations Development


At CD Formulation, we offer industry-leading freeze-dried formulation development services tailored to veterinary drugs and vaccines. We employ advanced freeze-drying techniques and conduct rigorous quality control and stability testing to ensure the integrity and long-term stability of the final product.

Lyophilized Formulations in Veterinary Drugs

Lyophilization has become a critical technology for developing numerous essential veterinary drug products. By removing water via sublimation under vacuum, the freeze-drying process converts injectable liquids into lightweight lyophilized powders that are highly stable and convenient for transport or long-term storage. Veterinarians rely on the flexibility and extended shelf life that lyophilized preparations provide for a wide range of medications, from antibiotics and vaccines to anesthetics.

Veterinary Lyophilized Formulations Development – CD Formulation

Our Development Process for Veterinary Lyophilized Formulations

Formulation Design
Select suitable active ingredients, excipients, and stabilizers based on the specific requirements.
Utilize instruments such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for analyzing the chemical composition and purity of the formulation.
Compatibility Testing
Perform compatibility studies to assess the interaction between the active ingredients and excipients.
Employ techniques like differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to analyze any potential incompatibilities.
Process Development
Optimize the freeze-drying process by determining the appropriate freezing parameters (e.g., freezing rate, shelf temperature).
Use techniques like thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to determine the optimal drying temperature and time.
Freeze-Drying Process
Employ a freeze dryer equipped with a vacuum system, condenser, and shelves capable of maintaining the recommended temperature and pressure.
Use real-time process monitoring tools, such as pressure and temperature sensors, to ensure precise control during the freeze-drying process.
Quality Control
Conduct various tests, including residual moisture analysis using Karl Fischer titration, to ensure the desired moisture content in the final product.
Perform accelerated and real-time stability studies to evaluate the long-term stability and shelf life of the lyophilized formulation.

Applications of Our Veterinary Lyophilized Formulation Development Services

  • Veterinary Vaccines Lyophilized Formulations

We can help customers develop veterinary lyophilized formulations suitable for vaccines. This includes selecting appropriate adjuvants, stabilizers and excipients, followed by formulation optimization and compatibility testing. Finally, the process parameters are optimized, and the final formulation is freeze-dried to remove water, thereby forming a stable freeze-dried vaccine.

  • Veterinary Antibiotics Lyophilized Formulations

Some veterinary antibiotics are unstable and are easily degraded and denatured when exposed to light or heat when in solution, such as doxycycline. This problem can be effectively avoided by making the antibiotics into freeze-dried powder for injection. We can help customers develop stable, easy-to-use lyophilized antibiotic products that can be reconstituted with appropriate diluents prior to administration.

  • Veterinary Peptides Lyophilized Formulations

We specialize in developing lyophilized formulations for peptide drugs, such as octreotide acetate. Before developing veterinary peptide freeze-dried preparations, we will fully consider the stability and preservation of the peptide during the freeze-drying process and select excipients such as cryoprotectants and fillers to protect the peptide structure and enhance stability.

  • Veterinary Hormone Lyophilized Formulations

In order to take effect quickly, hormone drugs are usually administered by injection. We can help customers develop lyophilized preparations of veterinary hormones, while retaining the advantages of rapid onset of injection administration, while improving the stability of hormone drugs in the formula, making the transportation, storage, and use of veterinary hormone drugs more convenient.

Advantages of Our Veterinary Lyophilized Formulation Development Services

  • Decades of experience optimizing lyophilization cycles for biologics to enhance the stability of our formulations.
  • Customized approaches to maintain the potency of vaccines, antibodies, and other vet APIs during freeze-drying.
  • Tailored formulations focused on overcoming the cold chain limitations of traditional veterinary injectables.
  • State-of-the-art development centers equipped for low temperature cycling of veterinary products.

By leveraging deep freeze-drying expertise applied specifically to veterinary products, CD Formulation can develop optimized lyophilized formulations enhancing stability, convenience, and performance. Contact us today to explore the possibilities of our services and discuss your specific needs!

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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