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Veterinary Liver Care Nutrition Gel Customization


Since its establishment, CD Formulation has long been committed to providing targeted health products for pet health. Today, our full-service capabilities in animal nutrition research, formulation design, process engineering, analytical testing and palatability testing enable us to provide customers with seamless support from concept to commercialization. While expanding our capabilities, we maintain strict quality standards and personalized service.

The Importance of Keeping Liver Health in Animals

The liver is one of the important organs in the animal body. It is responsible for metabolism, detoxification, bile production and other functions, and is crucial to maintaining health. If the liver is damaged, the animal may experience symptoms such as loss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, and even death in severe cases. Appropriate nutritional supplements can help maintain normal liver function. By developing liver health products that are easily accepted by animals, we can reduce their risk of liver disease and promote long and healthy lives.

Our Veterinary Liver Care Nutrition Gel Development Process

Clarify Customer Needs
We will first analyze your needs, including product type, target animal species, expected effects, etc.
Formulation Design
Based on customer needs and analysis results, we design formulas and select appropriate liver-protecting raw materials and excipients.
Functional Evaluation
We can provide a preliminary evaluation of product functionality. Through long-term observation of the health status of animals after using the product, the effectiveness and safety of the product in actual use can be evaluated.
Product Optimization
Based on the results of functional evaluation and customer feedback, we optimize product formulas to improve product effectiveness and user satisfaction.
Product Delivery
When we deliver the final product, we will provide a detailed formula ingredient report form and relevant process parameter traces.

Veterinary Liver Care Ingredients You Can Choose

Veterinary Liver Care Ingredients You Can Choose

  • Milk thistle extract contains helpful flavonoids that can raise glutathione levels and encourage the liver's healing abilities.
  • Silymarin can soothe inflammation and combat oxidative stress to strengthen function while guarding liver cells.
  • Selenium plays a key supporting role as a metabolic cofactor, enhancing glutathione peroxidase activity.
  • Indigo fruit gifts anthocyanins and flavonoids to lower stress and redness in the liver from harm's way.  
  • Beet smoothes bile flow and fat metabolism easing the workload.
  • Methionine aids detox power through hepatic circulation, minimizing fat buildup.

Advantages of Our Veterinary Liver Care Nutrition Gel Customization Service

  • Our customized services are customer demand-oriented and can provide personalized formula design and production process selection based on the customer's specific needs and the condition of the target animal.
  • We provide one-stop veterinary liver protection product development solutions, including formula design, raw material selection, production process determination, functional evaluation, etc., saving you time and money.
  • We have established a complete quality assurance system and strictly control the procurement of raw materials, production process, finished product inspection and other links to ensure the safety and effectiveness of our products.
  • We provide comprehensive after-sales services, including product quality tracking, usage guidance, etc., to ensure that customers can get the maximum benefit from using our products.

At CD Formulation, customizing veterinary hepatoprotective nutritional gel is a rigorous and comprehensive process designed to provide customers with a high-quality, personalized product. We believe our comprehensive services and formulation expertise can translate a liver-centric vision into practical strategies to support pet health around the world. Contact us to accelerate the translation of liver health research into products with our customized services!


  1. Madrigal S. E.; et al. Review of natural products with hepatoprotective effects. World J Gastroenterol. 2014, 20(40):14787-804.
  2. de la Riva G. A.; et al. Known hepatoprotectors act as antioxidants and immune stimulators in stressed mice: perspectives in animal health care. Curr Pharm Des. 2018, 24(40):4825-4837.

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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