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Veterinary Immunoglobulin Gel Customization


At CD Formulation, we are passionate about advancing animal health through innovative solutions. Our veterinary immune globulin gel customization service harnesses the power of immunoglobulin in an easy-to-use and targeted gel form. With our meticulous preparation process, advanced technology platform, and commitment to customization and quality, we deliver superior immunoglobulin gels that address the unique needs of animals.

Our Immunoglobulin Ingredients and Their Applications

Immunoglobulin Ingredients Applications
IgG IgG can directly neutralize viruses and bacteria to stop them in their tracks. It also triggers the complement system, calling in reinforcements to clear out pathogens.
IgA IgA plays an important role in mucosal immunity. It can prevent the invasion of pathogens, inhibit bacterial reproduction, and exert immune effects on mucosal surfaces such as the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.
IgM IgM acts as a first responder, quickly recognizing pathogens upon initial infection to halt disease progression.
IgD IgD plays a critical regulatory role in the maturation and activation of B lymphocytes, serving key immunomodulatory functions during humoral immune responses.
IgY IgY exhibits broad antigen specificity and high efficacy, making it well-suited for preventative and treatment applications.

How We Prepare Immunoglobulin Gel

Raw materials selection and processing
To capture these antibodies' benefits, we take great care in our immunoglobulin gel production process. Only the highest quality raw materials meeting stringent criteria are selected.
Immunoglobulin isolation and purification
We employ various techniques to isolate immunoglobulins from raw materials. Through successive purification and refinement steps, contaminants and other proteins are carefully eliminated.
Immunoglobulin structural modification
In order to improve the biological activity of immunoglobulins, we can perform structural modifications on the isolated and purified immunoglobulins, such as adding sugar groups, lipids, etc.
Gel preparation and processing
We mix the modified immunoglobulin with a suitable matrix and process it to the shape and specifications of the paste. According to customer needs, other nutrients and appropriate amounts of moisturizers, preservatives and other auxiliary materials can be added.
Quality control and testing
We conduct strict testing and verification of product quality, including biological activity, purity, stability, etc.
According to customer requirements, we can carry out packaging design, packaging material selection and label production.

Highlights of Our Immunoglobulin Gel Customization Service

  • Rich nutrition: According to the needs of customers, we can customize immunoglobulin nutritional paste that is rich in various nutrients, such as supplementary amino acids and vitamins, which can meet the nutritional needs of animals for growth and development.
  • Easy to use: Pets have high compliance with the gel form, and the gel can be mixed directly with daily food.
  • High safety: The ingredients of immunoglobulin nutritional paste are safe, have few side effects, can be used for a long time, and will not have a negative impact on the animal's body.

At CD Formulation, we understand that each animal is unique, and their health requirements may vary. Our Veterinary Immunoglobulin Nutritional Gel service offers customization options, allowing for tailored formulations that address specific health conditions, species, and individual needs. contact us today to learn more about our services, customization options, and how we can collaborate to improve the well-being of animals.


  1. Pereira E.P.V.; et al. Egg yolk antibodies (IgY) and their applications in human and veterinary health: A review. Int Immunopharmacol. 2019, 73:293-303.

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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