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Veterinary Gastrointestinal Care Nutrition Gel Customization


At CD Formulation, we specialize in creating customized gastrointestinal (GI) supplements for pets containing ingredients to support digestion, nutrient absorption, and microbiome balance. As experts in veterinary nutrition, we partner with pet food, treat, and health companies to develop palatable nutraceutical gels that address common GI issues in dogs, cats, and other animals.

Why Do Pets Need GI Supplements?

Like humans, pets can suffer from various GI issues including:

  • Inflammatory bowel disease causes chronic diarrhea and malabsorption.
  • Food sensitivities trigger immune reactions and microbiome imbalances.
  • Infections from bacteria, viruses, and parasites damaging gut tissue.
  • Acute gastroenteritis from dietary changes or indiscretion.
  • Diminished nutrient absorption impacts systemic health.
  • Age-related decreases in digestive enzymes and stomach acid.

What Can We Do for Veterinary Gastrointestinal Care?

Veterinary Gastrointestinal Care – CD Formulation

  • Gastrointestinal System Research Support

Our extensive formulation expertise enables knowledgeable research support. Through literature reviews and formulation modeling, we can help you establish nutrients of interest. Ingredient screening leverages sophisticated preclinical models and diagnostic tools to elucidate mechanisms and characterize efficacy. Once lead systems are identified, our full pharmacokinetic and safety profiling aids in understanding bioavailability and establishing optimal dosing.

  • Nutritional Gel Development

When developing new nutritional formulas, we focus on creating a delightful taste.

We continually optimize formulation and process parameters to tailor the correct consistency, feel and appearance characteristics to maximize your pet's desire to voluntarily consume the supplement.

We conduct extensive testing under varying temperatures, humidity, and other conditions to ensure product stability over the expected shelf life.

Our rigorous analytical methods verify the safety of our products and the identity and potency of our active ingredients.

Veterinary GI Care Ingredients You Can Choose

  • Prebiotics act as fertilizers for good gut bacteria to thrive. As non-digestible fibers, they encourage a balanced microbiome through selective feeding of probiotic strains.
  • Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that can help restore and maintain a healthy balance of gut microorganisms.
  • Enzymes play an important role in fully breaking nutrients down into simple compounds for maximum absorption.
  • Propolis supports intestinal lining repair and may help avoid malnutrition from diarrhea by boosting energy levels during digestive distress.
  • Soothing herbs like chamomile and aloe vera contain anti-inflammatory agents to calm gastrointestinal inflammation and discomfort naturally.

Nutritional Supplements for GI Care: Our Recommendations

  • Indigestion

Probiotics can promote intestinal peristalsis, aid digestion, and inhibit harmful bacteria to prevent flatulence.

  • Frequent Constipation

Dietary supplements such as dietary fiber and probiotics can be combined. These nutrients can promote intestinal peristalsis, balance intestinal flora, and increase defecation motivation.

  • Frequent Diarrhea

Propolis can promote the repair of intestinal mucosa, is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, and can provide energy to the body to avoid nutritional deficiencies caused by diarrhea. Probiotics can balance intestinal flora, reduce harmful flora, help regulate intestinal function, and have a better effect on frequent diarrhea.

Advantages of Our Veterinary GI Care Nutritional Gel Customization Service

  • Broad capabilities for creating formulations across various veterinary dosage forms.
  • Highly targeted mechanisms tailored to therapeutic indications.
  • Established quality processes to ensure safety and efficacy.
  • Proven expertise in stabilizing probiotics and botanical actives.

As people pay more and more attention to animal health, the market for veterinary health products is also developing rapidly. CD Formulation is a reputable veterinary health products company with an expert team of veterinarians, nutritionists and pharmacists that can provide customized veterinary gastrointestinal care nutrition gel services to global pharmaceutical companies and research institutions. If you have related needs, please feel free to contact us!

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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