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Veterinary Deworming Gel Customization


By providing tailored formulation expertise, CD Formulation aims to support both companies and research organizations striving to advance veterinary health care. Whether exploratory objectives or commercial goals, our end-to-end services streamline health product development. One vital area of focus is deworming protection. We diligently develop supplemental formulations to deliver targeted parasite defense.

Why Do Animals Need Parasite Prevention?

Parasites pose multiple health risks to our pets like blood loss or stomach upset. Some strains are even zoonotic, meaning they can infect humans too. Worms like roundworms or heartworms endanger people's well-being. Given this risk of cross-contamination, regular deworming seems crucial not just for veterinary health but also for family safety. Meanwhile, strategic nourishment defends animals from parasites' grasp too. Tailored supplementation strengthens natural defenses, making parasite invasion more challenging.

What Can We Do to Develop Veterinary Deworming Products?

  • Extensive Research and Analysis

We stay up-to-date with the latest scientific research and collaborate with experts in the field of parasitology. By analyzing scientific literature and participating in industry conferences, we gain valuable insights into emerging challenges and advancements in deworming. This research forms the foundation of our product development process.

  • Formulation Optimization

Our team of experienced scientists and veterinarians carefully analyzes the unique requirements of each animal species and deworming scenario. Factors such as the parasite spectrum, life cycle, dosage forms, and compatibility with other medications are taken into consideration. Through meticulous formulation optimization, we create products that provide targeted and comprehensive deworming support.

  • Scientific Validation

We subject our deworming formulations to rigorous scientific validation through comprehensive in vitro testing and in vivo trials. This ensures that the products we develop are not only palatable to animals, but also demonstrate effectiveness in eliminating parasites and preventing infections.

  • Technical Support and After-sales Services

Our expert team has extensive experience in the development of veterinary health products and can provide you with technical support and consulting services. After completing product delivery, we also provide comprehensive after-sales services, including product quality tracking, usage guidance, etc.

Our Veterinary Deworming Gel Development Process

Our Veterinary Deworming Gel Development Process

Veterinary Deworming Ingredients You Can Choose

  • Pumpkin seeds can paralyze worms, allowing them to pass through the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Papaya seeds can digest the outer skin of worms.
  • Black walnut shells act as a natural insect repellent, killing both adults and larvae.
  • Ginger stimulates peristalsis and expels parasites from their attachments.
  • Oregano oil weakens the worms, making them less resistant.
  • Garlic extract creates an intestinal environment that is unfavorable to parasites.
  • Carrots regulate intestinal luminal pH to deter worms.

Advantages of Our Veterinary Deworming Nutrition Gel Customization Service

  • We can customize formulas to target specific pests prevalent in geographical areas or in animals' environments.
  • We can customize formulas to target specific pests prevalent in geographic areas or your pet's environment.
  • We can customize formulas to target specific pest infestations and the needs of individual species of pets.
  • High-quality formula maintains insect repellency longer.
  • We ensure the effectiveness and reliability of the final gel product through rigorous functional evaluation.

CD Formulation is dedicated to providing veterinary deworming solutions through a scientific-based approach. Our aim is to empower tailored strategies customized for animals' unique anti-parasitic requirements. Have lingering questions about our process? Whether it's early concept discussions or later stage assistance, we're here as your wellness allies. Don't hesitate to contact us!


  1. Klimpel S.; er al. The effects of different plant extracts on nematodes. Parasitol Res. 2011, 108(4):1047-54.
  2. Fadladdin Y.A.J. Evaluation of antischistosomal activities of crude aqueous extracts of Artemisia annua, Nigella sativa, and Allium sativum against Schistosoma mansoni in hamsters. Biomed Res Int. 2022, 2022:5172287.

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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