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Pharmacodynamic Services for Veterinary Drugs


Veterinary Lyophilized Formulations

CD Formulation is dedicated to advancing the field of veterinary medicine through our expertise in studying the intricate mechanisms of action and therapeutic effects of veterinary drugs. Our services encompass study design, in vitro and in vivo experiments, data analysis and interpretation, safety and efficacy evaluation, as well as collaborative partnerships and expert consultation.

What is the Pharmacodynamics of Veterinary Drugs?

When a veterinary drug is administered, it interacts with specific receptors or molecules present in the animal's body. These interactions can stimulate or inhibit various physiological processes, leading to desired therapeutic effects. Pharmacodynamics of veterinary drugs refers to the study of how these drugs exert therapeutic effects on animals. Understanding the pharmacodynamics of veterinary drugs is crucial for veterinarians and pharmaceutical professionals to determine appropriate dosing regimens, predict therapeutic outcomes, and manage potential side effects.

What Can We Do for Veterinary Drug Pharmacodynamic Research?

Antimicrobials We conduct thorough characterization of antibiotics like penicillins, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones and others. Using microbiological assays, we determine their minimum inhibitory concentrations, minimum bactericidal concentrations and concentration-dependent killing curves against key pathogens.
Antiparasitics Our labs are equipped to study the diverse mechanisms of endectocides, ectoparasiticides, anthelmintics and others. Through in vitro assays on isolated parasites and in vivo experimental infection models, we elucidate drugs' ovicidal, larvicidal and adulticidal properties against parasites.
Anti-inflammatories We provide an in-depth analysis of corticosteroids as well as new NSAIDs' abilities to modulate inflammatory mediators like prostaglandins and cytokines via analytical biochemical methods. Animal arthritis and dermatitis models aid clinical validation.
Analgesics Our behavioral and physiology testing gauges analgesics' anti-nociceptive effects through rodent hot plate assays and postoperative pain scoring systems. We further investigate their pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic correlations.
Chemotherapeutics State-of-the-art oncology research facilities enable studying novel candidates' growth inhibition profiles against canine and feline cancer cell lines. We also conduct leukemic mouse models to verify drugs' therapeutic indexes for cancer treatment.

Our Platforms for Veterinary Pharmacodynamic Research

In Vitro Models In Vivo Models
  • Isolated tissue/organ baths to study drug interactions
  • Cell culture of veterinary cell lines
  • Microbiological assays for antimicrobial testing
  • Enzyme/receptor binding assays
  • Molecular/biochemical analysis tools
  • Rodent models (mice, rats) for proof-of-concept
  • Validated disease models (arthritis, cancer, parasites, etc.)
  • Telemetry for physiology/behavior monitoring
  • Microdialysis for pharmacokinetic/dynamic correlations
  • Molecular imaging (PET/SPECT)
  • Accredited animal facilities

Applications of Our Veterinary Pharmacodynamic Services

  • Mechanism of Action Studies: We help characterize the molecular and physiological targets of drug candidates to understand their therapeutic effects.
  • Pharmacological Profiling: Our services provide detailed profiling of the absorption, distribution, metabolic pathways and physiological impact of drugs.
  • Dose Response Analysis: We determine the minimum effective dose as well as the therapeutic index of drugs through these studies.
  • Biomarker Identification: Pharmacodynamic research helps discover and validate clinically relevant biomarkers for efficacy and safety.
  • Bioequivalence Assessment: Our testing compares pharmacodynamic profiles to prove bioequivalence of generics or formulations.
  • Safety/Toxicity Evaluation: We assess adverse drug reactions, safety pharmacology parameters and target organ toxicities.
  • Validation of Animal Models: Our disease models aid validation of pharmacological targets and clinically predictive assays.
  • Formulation Optimization: We help sponsors develop safe and efficacious formulations through pharmacodynamic bridging studies.

Why Choose Our Pharmacodynamic Services?

  • Construct tumor cell lines or develop prefabricated tumor models based on targets.
  • Extensive experience establishing infection and inflammation models.
  • Ability to develop animal models based on indications of pathogenesis.
  • Fully integrated in vitro and in vivo research platforms using cutting-edge technologies and validated models.
  • Dedicated veterinary pharmacology department staffed by highly trained scientists and veterinarians.

By partnering with CD Formulation, you can gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise that will contribute to the development of safe and effective veterinary drugs, enhancing animal healthcare and welfare. Contact us for innovative solutions in veterinary pharmacodynamics!

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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