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Pet Cleaning & Disinfection Product Customization


At CD Formulation, our team of experts has extensive experience formulating effective yet gentle household cleaners and disinfectants specially designed for sensitive pet environments. Whether you need an all-purpose surface cleaner, grooming wipe or veterinary-grade disinfectant, we can develop safe and efficacious custom formulations tailored to your brand's unique needs.

Why Do Pets Need Cleaning and Disinfection?

Pets require regular cleaning and disinfection to maintain their health and well-being. Animals are often exposed to dirt, debris and allergens, as well as bacteria and viruses from the outdoors, so it's important to clean and disinfect your pets. Proper cleaning and disinfection routines promote a clean and safe environment, keep pets healthy and reduce the risk of disease transmission.

What Can We Do for Pet Cleaning & Disinfection?

  • Pet Wipes Customization

Veterinary Solid Dosage Forms

  • CD Formulation has extensive experience designing and developing customized wipe products for the pet care industry and works closely with clients throughout the process to understand their requirements and brand visions.
  • We have expertise in formulating solutions with antiseptic, moisturizing, or deodorizing ingredients tailored to pets' unique skin and coat needs.
  • Our scientists optimize the absorbency and texture of wipe substrates to effectively clean without irritating delicate animal areas.
  • We ensure wipes maintain their integrity during shipping and storage. Additional services include developing child-resistant packaging, custom branding, and labeling.
  • Our facilities allow both small and large batch production.
  • Pet Cleaner Customization

Veterinary Solid Dosage Forms

  • Our team of scientists can precisely formulate washes to match the pH, tonicity and osmolarity requirements of pets' delicate eye and ear tissues.
  • A variety of active ingredients such as cleansers, antimicrobials and anti-inflammatory can be incorporated at optimal concentrations for effectiveness and safety.
  • Comprehensive testing validates each solution maintains stability over its shelf life without precipitation or changes in pH.
  • We also offer unique delivery systems like squeeze bottles with controlled flow rates and targeted spray designs.
  • Additional services include pediatric lock mechanisms, customized labeling and packaging.
  • Pet Disinfectant Spray Customization

Veterinary Solid Dosage Forms

  • We consider factors such as efficacy, pet-friendly ingredients, ease of application, and pleasant fragrances to create custom formulations.
  • Our scientists are well-versed in selecting active ingredients such as alcohols, peroxides or bleach alternatives that eliminate bacteria and viruses without irritating animals' delicate skin and coats.
  • We optimize product characteristics like spray patterns, misting capabilities and residual effectiveness times.
  • Comprehensive testing confirms each formulation achieves the necessary log reductions against target pathogens.
  • Ingredient Focus
  • Moisturizing ingredients: coconut oil, shea butter, glycerin
  • Antioxidant and soothing ingredients: citric acid, vitamins, oatmeal
  • Plant extracts: cucumber extract, aloe vera extract, chamomile extract
  • Effects
  • Nourishes the skin to help lock in moisture.
  • Removes dirt and odors.
  • Soothes itchy and irritated skin.
  • Inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Highlights of Pet Cleaning & Disinfection Products We Develop

  • Our scientists are well-versed in selecting active ingredients such as alcohols, peroxides or bleach alternatives that eliminate bacteria and viruses without irritating animals' delicate skin and coats.
  • We optimize product characteristics like spray patterns, misting capabilities and residual effectiveness times.
  • Comprehensive testing confirms each formulation achieves the necessary log reductions against target pathogens.
  • Free of parabens, dyes and cruelty.

With extensive experience formulating safe and effective solutions, wipes, sprays and washes, CD Formulation applies formulation expertise, product development skills, and analytical testing capabilities to tailor every aspect of a product—from active ingredients to delivery format to branding.

Are you seeking innovative ways to deliver veterinary therapies or looking for private-label products reflecting your unique brand? Contact us for a seamless development experience and reliable support!

CD Formulation has rich experience in the formulation development of pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, and now we have expanded our business to the field of veterinary health.

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