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Oral Thin Film Release Kinetics Testing


Oral thin film release kinetics testing utilizes mathematical programs and formulas to determine the appropriate kinetic model for the dissolution results of the oral thin film preparation. These results can be obtained by placing the film in pure water or artificial saliva with a pH of 6.8. CD Formulation can perform the release kinetics testing of oral thin films through various technical methods, such as the microfluidic continuous flow-through method, USP 1 basket apparatus method, and paddle (USP 2) apparatus method.

Fig.1 Release kinetics from oral thin films.Fig.1 The release kinetics of oral thin films. (Alessandra Adrover, et al., 2015)

What is Release Kinetics?

Release kinetics are based on different mathematical functions, which describe the dissolution profile. The basic kinetic models used are the zero-order model, first-order model, Higuchi model, and Hixson-Crowell model, which is the zero-order release constant expressed in units of concentration/time.

Our Oral Thin Film Release Kinetics Testing Services

CD Formulation relies on our advanced design concept to test the release kinetics of oral thin film using the following test methods, including the microfluidic continuous flow-through method, USP 1 basket apparatus method, and paddle (USP 2) apparatus method.

Microfluidic Continuous Flow-through Method

This device simulates physiological mouth conditions by using laminar tangential solvent flow, low hold-up volume, and flow rates of around 1 mL/min. Place the oral thin film on the bottom plate of a dissolution cell, with one side of the film exposed to the solvent flow and the other side touching an impermeable rock. The solution that exits the cell can then be analyzed using a UV/Vis analyzer.

Basket (USP 1) Apparatus Method

This apparatus is a dissolution testing apparatus used to test the release kinetics of oral thin films. The sample is placed inside the basket and immersed in a dissolution medium. The basket rotates at a constant speed, which ensures proper agitation of the dissolution medium and facilitates the release of the drug from the oral thin film.

Paddle (USP 2) Apparatus Method

We use this apparatus to estimate the dissolution of oral thin film and compare the release patterns of drugs in different dissolution media.

Our Workflow of Oral Thin Film Release Kinetics Testing

CD Formulation provides comprehensive release kinetics testing services designed to meet the needs of oral thin film formulation developers. Our release kinetics testing process of oral thin film is as follows:

Fig.2 Workflow of Oral Thin Film Release Kinetics Services.Fig.2 Workflow of Oral Thin Film Release Kinetics Testing Services. (CD Formulation)

Consultation: We will communicate with customers about their testing needs and create detailed experimental plans.

Sample Preparation: Prepare the samples according to the instrument requirements and the experimental scheme.

Selection of Analytical Method: Select an analytical method based on the analytical objectives and requirements.

Analysis: Set the instrument parameters and conduct the testing on the prepared samples.

Data Analysis and Report: After completing the sample analysis, we will analyze and process the data and develop a comprehensive report.

Advantages of Our Oral Thin Film Release Kinetics Testing

  • We offer state-of-the-art dissolution testing for oral thin films, allowing for precise measurement of drug release rates and profiles in simulated physiological conditions.
  • Our services include spectroscopic analysis using techniques such as UV-Vis spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy to evaluate drug release kinetics and interactions between the drug and film components.
  • We use advanced mathematical modeling techniques to predict and analyze drug release profiles, aiding in the understanding and optimization of oral thin film formulations.

Published Data

Technology: Kinetic modeling of oral thin films

Journal: Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

IF: 10.2

Published: 2012

Results: In this study, the dissolution profile of MTS oral thin films followed the first order to ascertain the kinetic modeling of the drug release. The results show R2 values for zero-order release and first-order release. The values for first-order were closer to 1 than those for zero-order. So, it was assumed that all the formulations followed first-order kinetics. The release is found concentration dependent.

Fig.3 First-order kinetics graph of montelukast sodium oral thin film.Fig.3 First-order kinetics graph of montelukast sodium oral thin film. (K. VIJAYA SRI, et al., 2012)

CD Formulation's testing services are conducted by experienced scientists and experts in pharmaceutical analysis, ensuring high-quality and accurate oral thin film release kinetics testing results. If you require our release kinetics testing services, please contact us by phone or email, and our colleagues will get back to you within three working days.


  1. K. VIJAYA SRI, P. ROHINI, et al. MONTELUKAST SODIUM ORAL THIN FILMS: FORMULATION AND INVITRO EVALUATION. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2012, Vol(5).
  2. Alessandra Adrover, Michela Nobili. Release kinetics from oral thin films: Theory and experiments. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2015, Vol (98):188-201.
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