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Physicochemical Properties


CD Formulation has more than ten years of experience in molecular weight or size determination, isoform pattern determination, extinction coefficient (or molar absorptivity) determination, electrophoretic patterns, liquid chromatographic patterns, spectroscopic profiles of biological macromolecules. It has a world-class bio-pharmaceuticals analysis platform.

Why to Perform Physicochemical Properties?

Physicochemical Properties

Due to the structural instability and complexity of the production process of bio-pharmaceuticals such as recombinant protein drugs, molecular weight or size , isoform pattern, extinction coefficient (or molar absorptivity) has become their basic physicochemical properties.

Our Services for Physicochemical Properties

CD Formulation provides comprehensive physicochemical properties analysis tools for bio-pharmaceutical discovery, characterization, development and control. Specific information on our physicochemical properties services is provided as follows.

Physicochemical Properties

Molecular weight or size determination

Molecular weight is one of the main characteristic parameters of proteins and an important prerequisite for identifying a protein and conducting subsequent protein research activities. Therefore, it is very important to determine the protein molecular weight accurately and effectively.

CD Formulation can provide molecular weight analysis services based on gel electrophoresis, MALDI-TOF molecular weight measurement, LC-MS molecular weight measurement, SEC molecular weight distribution and other methods.

Physicochemical Properties

Isoform pattern determination

Isoform pattern mainly comes from the expression process of engineered bacteria/cells and subsequent production and storage processes, which may have an adverse impact on the safety and effectiveness of the product. Common sources of Isoform pattern related to engineered bacteria/cell matrices include glycosylation, N-terminal methionine retention, N-terminal acetylation, etc.

CD Formulation can provide isoform pattern determination services via isoelectric focusing or other appropriate techniques.

Physicochemical Properties

Extinction coefficient (or molar absorptivity) determination

The extinction coefficient is a measure of how strongly a chemical absorbs light of a specific wavelength. The molar extinction coefficient of a protein at 280 nm depends almost entirely on the number of aromatic residues, especially tryptophan, and can be predicted from the amino acid sequence. If the molar extinction coefficient is known, it can be used to determine the concentration of protein in a solution. A common method that can be used to determine the extinction coefficient is spectrophotometry.

CD Formulation can be combined with spectrophotometry to efficiently and accurately detect the extinction coefficient of biological products.

Our Workflow for Physicochemical Properties

Physicochemical Properties

Advantages of Our Services

  • We offer a comprehensive range of professional, unbiased, high-quality physicochemical properties analysis services with a strong commitment to providing bio-pharmaceuticals analytical services that are meaningful, impactful and at the forefront of science.
  • With advanced testing instruments and equipment, with a strong and elite team of experts.
  • Able to provide quick response to your bio-pharmaceutical analysis requirements immediately.
  • All experiments are signed confidentiality agreements, focusing on protecting customer privacy.

How to Contact Us?

If you have a requirement about our services, please contact us by phone or email, our colleagues will reply to you within three working days.

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