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Peptide & Protein HA Conjugation System Development


CD Formulation is a leading provider of peptide and protein hyaluronic acid (HA) conjugation system development services. With a strong focus on innovation and expertise in biomaterials, we specialize in designing and optimizing HA-based coupling strategies for precise and efficient attachment of peptides and proteins. We offer comprehensive solutions tailored to our clients' specific requirements, ensuring the development of robust and functional HA conjugation systems.

What are HA Conjugation Systems?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a non-sulfated glycosaminoglycan used extensively in drug delivery applications due to its biocompatibility and targeting abilities. HA conjugation systems refer to the linkage of HA to other molecules to form hybrid constructs with enhanced functionality that allow the transport of therapeutics across biological barriers. At CD Formulation, we synthesize and classify HA coupling systems according to their linkages, including amide bonds, ester bonds, hydrazone couplings, and polymeric backbones.

Our Methods for Conjugating HA to Peptide & Protein

Peptide & Protein HA Conjugation System Development – CD Formulation

  • Physical Adsorption

We mix HA and the peptide/protein of interest together, allowing non-covalent interactions between them.

Physical adsorption is a simple and straightforward method but may have limitations in terms of stability and long-term attachment.

  • Chemical Coupling

Chemical coupling involves the formation of covalent bonds using HA and reactive functional groups on the peptide/protein. We commonly use carbodiimide reactions, maleimide-thiol reactions, and amine reactive cross-linkers.

Chemical coupling enhances stability, controls adhesion and improves long-term performance.

  • Bioconjugation

We can couple HA to peptides/proteins using enzymatic or biological mechanisms. For example, enzymes such as transglutaminase can catalyze the formation of covalent bonds between HA and specific amino acid residues on peptides/proteins.

Bioconjugation provides specific conjugations.

Applications of Our Peptide & Protein HA Conjugation System Development Services

  • Targeted Drug Delivery

HA can selectively bind to the overexpressed CD44 receptor on various cancer cells, facilitating targeted drug delivery to tumors. At CD Formulation, HA can also be modified with targeting ligands or functionalized with specific molecules (peptides and proteins) to enhance site-specific drug delivery.

  • Wound Healing

We can develop hyaluronic acid-based dressings or scaffolds that can be used to load and deliver drugs or growth factors to promote tissue regeneration and accelerate wound healing.

  • Ophthalmic Drug Delivery

Due to the excellent biocompatibility of HA with ocular tissue, HA-based formulations can be used for ophthalmic drug delivery. We develop HA-based eye drops, hydrogels or nanoparticles to improve drug bioavailability and extend drug residence time on the ocular surface.

  • Anti-inflammatory Therapy

Since HA itself has anti-inflammatory properties, CD Formulation couples HA with anti-inflammatory drugs or uses it as a carrier for anti-inflammatory drugs to help reduce inflammation and sustainably release therapeutic drugs at the site of inflammation.

Highlights of Our Peptide & Protein HA Conjugation System Development Services

  • Computational modeling of ligand-binding assists conjugate design.
  • Click, EDC/NHS, and enzymatic methods covalently link peptides/proteins while maintaining stability and activity.
  • Leverage HA receptors on macrophages, tumor/lymphatic cells for localized delivery to diseased sites.
  • Develop multi-trigger systems responsive to enzymes/pH catering to specific physiological delivery objectives.
  • Design linker-HA constructs providing tunable blood circulation and tissue compatibility properties.

CD Formulation specializes in designing and optimizing HA-based coupling strategies for the precise attachment of peptides and proteins to HA, enabling the creation of hybrid constructs with enhanced functionalities. Our team of experts utilizes a range of coupling methods to tailor the conjugation system to meet the specific requirements of our clients' molecules. If you are seeking advanced HA conjugation systems for peptide and protein-based therapeutics, please contact us!


  1. Mero A.; et al. Conjugation of hyaluronan to proteins. Carbohydr Polym. 2013, 15;92(2):2163-70.
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