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One-stop Solutions for Cell Therapy Product Development


One-stop Solutions for Cell Therapy Product Development

Cell therapy refers to the process of treating diseases by manipulating or treating living cells from autologous, allogeneic or allogeneic sources in vitro. In recent years, the clinical application and large-scale production of cell therapy products have gradually started. Cell therapy products (including drugs and medical technology) provide new treatment ideas and methods for some serious and refractory diseases, and have broad application prospects and huge market value.

CD Formulation provides a rich product and service portfolio covering the entire process of cell therapy development. Provide you with high-quality and reliable services, instruments and reagents to accelerate the process of your cell therapy products from target discovery to clinical research and commercial manufacturing.

Cell Therapy Product Development Technology Path

Cell therapy has a variety of technical routes, such as somatic cell therapy technology, cell immortalization technology, gene modification technology, genome editing technology, cell 3D technology, etc. In addition to newly discovered and created technologies, the combination and application of different technologies can also optimize and improve the quality of cell products, and can also address clinically relevant adverse reactions. Based on the technical path of cell therapy, select suitable cells or suitable indications, conduct research on cell therapy products or medical technologies, and produce cell therapy products. CD Formulation has mastered a variety of cell therapy technology routes, which can be well applied and combined with these technical routes for cell therapy product development. Our team technicians can provide you with one-stop cell therapy product technology development.

One-stop Solutions for Cell Therapy Product Development

CD Formulation is confident to assist customers from the initial abstract concept, from scratch to provide complete information, with you from start-up to scale-up using our innovative, closed-system, adherent and suspension-based solutions to support the transition from cultures at the bench to large scale cell production. In the complex world of cell therapy, having a seasoned partner to guide you through uncharted production territory is critical to success.

  • Process Development and Optimization

Highly experienced teams support development and optimization of world class cell therapy processes that meet the needs of our clients, their regulatory phase, and their goals.

  • Analytical Development and Testing

Our technical team can develop, optimize, and validate analytical methods to support client-specific assays, including safety and efficacy assays to enable successful transfer to our QC labs.

  • Tech Transfer & Development

Our team of experts has extensive experience in method transfer, transfer of client process at different development stages from R&D scale to cGMP grade, and optimization studies to improve process performance, Science & Technology program ensures seamless transfer of knowledge from our customers into the capable hands of our cGMP manufacturing teams.​

  • Transportation

We can provide you with expert advice and optimized solutions for the transportation, storage and processing of specialized biological samples and materials (from room temperature to cryogenic temperatures), thereby safeguarding irreplaceable cell therapy materials.

Our Advantages

  • We have a professional cell therapy product development technology formulation research team, which can provide one-stop research and full project management services.
  • We can achieve competitive pricing, performance advantages and continuous self-improvement in yield.
  • Our one-stop service reduced human resources and operating costs.
  • Our one-stop service is convenience and speed, and including all the raw data for subsequent testing and optimization.
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