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Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) Development


iPSCs are a form of pluripotent stem cell derived from somatic cells,many cell-based therapies currently being developed utilize iPSCs. These are adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed back into a pluripotent state, capable of becoming one of many types of cells inside a patient's body. This technology may enable the development of an unlimited type of a specific type of human cells needed for therapeutic purposes. Therefore, these cells play a key role in the body's healing process and the stem cell regenerative medicine which also as known as stem cell therapy (SCT).

CD Formulation has global experimental and analysis abilities based on our comprehensive technical platforms and professional R&D team, Provide world-class expertise in iPSC generation, cultivation, differentiation, pluripotency characterization and iPSCs reprogramming, and leverage that expertise to provide solutions for your iPSCs needs.

Our services

Generation, Culture & Differentiation of iPSCs

We help investigators generate iPSCs from human skin fibroblasts using lentiviral vectors delivering five reprogramming factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc and Nanog).

We use various plastic coatings instead of cells to attach to in the cell dish.and use a serum-free restricted culture environment to create a controllable stem cell niche, A restricted environment improve maintenance conditions for the stem cell niche and encourages a successfully directed differentiation towards the desired progenitor or mature cell type(s). There is better control of advantageous cell-to-cell signaling by the growth factors and inhibitors, which cause the type of directed differentiation you are interested in.

Fig 1: Schematic diagram of iPSCs generation, culture and differentiationFig 1: Schematic diagram of iPSCs generation, culture & differentiation

iPSCs Reprogramming

CD Formulation is dedicated to providing several viable and cost-effective methods for iPSCs reprogramming. We employ advanced iPSCs reprogramming factor delivery strategy by virus, iPSC reprogramming factor delivery by episomal vectors, as well as other iPSC sreprogramming methods (mRNA, protein) to help you obtaining the desired iPSCs. We have successfully generated iPSCs using multiple methods of reprogramming factor expression in numerous cell types.

Generally, the steps for iPSCs Reprogramming include the following steps:

iPSCs Reprogramming

iPSCs Pluripotency Characterization

To confirm the pluripotency, quality, identity, and safety of the pluripotent cell lines as they are derived and maintained, it is essential to perform a set of characterization analyses. Working seamlessly with our iPSCs generation, genome editing and cell differentiation resources, our assay development teams provides a fully integrated service to customers wishing to become the leaders of the iPSC-based drug discovery field. We perform characterization by PCR and immunostaining, and return the iPSC lines to you.

Features of Our Services

Custom iPSCs service

A single-source solution for your iPSCs needs

Skillful scientific team

Highly efficient

Rigorous quality control protocols

Low cost and timely submission

One-stop pipeline

Best after-sale service

About CD Formulation

CD Formulation provides integrated innovation solutions from strategy to implementation to help you increase opportunities and address challenges. With world-class expertise in iPSCs development, our service team can complete iPSCs projects and provide you with pluripotent stem cells in less than a week. If you have any iPSCs requirements, please contact us by phone or email, our colleagues will reply to you within three working days.

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