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Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Detection Service



Immunohistochemistry (IHC): Utilizes the principle of specific binding of antibodies and antigens in biological tissues to detect protein expression in tissues whose structure and organization have been preserved. First a chemical from a tissue or cell is extracted and used as an antigen or hapten. Then, specific antibodies are obtained by immunizing animals, and then the antibodies are used to detect similar antigenic substances in tissues or cells. Since the complex of antigen and antibody is colorless, it is necessary to use histochemical methods (fluorescein, enzymes, metal ions, isotopes) to display the binding site of the antigen and antibody, so as to achieve detection in tissues or cells, qualitative, localized or quantitative studies of unknown antigens. CD Formulation can provide IHC detection services.

CD Formulation's Service Advantages

CD Formulation has a variety of tissue wax blocks, a rich tissue bank, and experienced experimental personnel, so the experimental results are guaranteed; it is equipped with advanced instruments and equipment to ensure the smooth progress of the entire experiment. CD Formulation is committed to meeting the needs of each client and assisting them in achieving their specific research goals.

Immunohistochemistry Testing Experimental Procedures

The CD Formulation`s procedure for Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is as follows:

  • Sample preparation: Sample collection and preparation play an important role in IHC, as the presentation and localization of antigens largely depends on the quality of the tissue sample.
  • Fixed: A key feature of IHC is the preservation of tissue using one of the many fixatives available to maintain the native structure of the cells that make up the tissue. Different chemicals can be used to lock the proteins of cells and tissues into a rigid structure, creating a fixed framework for previously living cells. Chemical fixation is a most popular option
  • Embedding: After fixation, the tissue needs to be fixed in one piece so that it can be cut into thin slices for staining. Depending on the chosen fixation method, the type of sample block will vary between paraffin, temperature sensitive and water soluble or agar.
  • Tissue Sectioning: Once the tissue can be stably cut, sections of various thicknesses can be cut using different instruments, depending on the desired IHC application.
  • Antigen retrieval: Several methods are available to reveal epitopes that were hidden during fixation. These methods include proteolysis-induced antigen retrieval, which relies on enzymes such as proteinase K, or heat-induced epitope retrieval (HIER), which uses heat to undo cross-links and break down proteins. Either method can reveal the epitope, making it easier to bind the primary antibody and perform IHC (immunohistochemistry) staining more smoothly.
  • Immunostaining: The principle of immunostaining is very similar to that of Western blotting, but instead of purifying or fixing the protein on the membrane, the protein is fixed where it naturally accumulates in the cell (i.e. in situ).
  • Mounting and Observation: After all staining is completed, the tissue is now almost ready for observation using a microscope.

Content of Report

Complete test report, including:

  • Real raw data
  • Professional result analysis
  • Experimental related equipment

IHC is an extremely versatile technique suitable for many applications. As with other methods, careful control and proper optimization of experimental procedures will give the best results. Its application in diagnostics, biomedical research IHC can answer many scientific questions in low to high throughput fields. Thank you for choosing CD Formulation's immunohistochemistry testing services. If you have any relevant questions, please contact our staff and we will answer and serve you as soon as possible.

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