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GST Pull-down Detection Service


The GST (Glutathione S transferase) pull-down has proven to be a powerful technique for studying protein-protein interactions, allowing the identification of unknown proteins that interact with known proteins and confirming suspected interactions, as well as identifying the presence of interactions between two known proteins. CD Formulation has rich experience in proteomics and can quickly and accurately perform protein interaction experiments. Combined with a professional LC-MS mass spectrometry platform, CD Formulation can provide customers with one-stop technical services for protein interaction analysis based on pull down, with the advantages of high sensitivity and accurate resolution.

Principle of GST Pull-down

Mechanistically, the probe protein is fused with GST by recombinant technology, and the fusion protein can then be bound to GTH (Glutathione) on the solid support through GST due to affinity attraction. Therefore, proteins that interact with fusion proteins when passing through the column or mixed with the solid phase complex are adsorbed and separated. The workflow of GST-pull down mainly consists of the following three parts: (i) construction of prokaryotic expression vector with GST tag by recombinant technology; (ii) expression of the fusion protein with GST tag by prokaryotic expression system; (iii) obtaining high purity fusion protein via the GST affinity purification column and using the GST affinity purification column for protein-to-protein interaction detection; (iv) using WB and MS detection to verify the interaction between proteins or screen for target proteins.

Our Workflow of GST Pull-down

Our Workflow of GST Pull-down

Applications of GST Pull-Down

  • Identify new protein-protein interactions.
  • Discover existing protein interactions.
  • Isolation of protein-protein complexes.
  • Additional quantitative information is provided on the relative amount of bead-bound interacting proteins.

Our Advantages

  • Setting up multiple control groups that fully exclude interference and ensure reliable results
  • Repeated experiments (twice) to exclude random factor influences
  • Complete downstream package for further quantitative analysis using the bio-layer interferometry technology
  • Utilizing the silver staining technology with 100 times higher sensitivity than Komas Brilliant Blue to ensure clearer and better SDS-PAGE electrophoresis results
  • One-stop service from GST protein preparation to protein interaction detection
  • Higher affinity and specificity

As a leading proteomic technology service company, CD Formulation has many years of experience in mass spectrometry-based protein interaction analysis. CD Formulation provides efficient strategies for protein expression and purification, as well as optimal optimization solutions for GST pull-down. Featuring strict quality control and turnaround time, we provide customers with customizable one-stop services covering every step of your project, from gene synthesis to data reporting, hence maximizing your cost-efficiency.

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