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General Testing Services


CD Formulation selects appropriate pharmacopoeia inspection procedures for each project so that it meets the pharmacopoeia requirements of the place of application, such as the United States, Europe, China, Japan, etc.

Why to Perform General Testing

Biological preparations also need to pay attention to some general quality attributes during the quality control process, such as appearance, color, clarity, pH, osmolality, and particle foreign matter: visible particles, sub-visible particulate, etc.

Our General Testing Services

With its professional and rigorous scientific attitude, CD Formulation is able to provide routine testing of biological drugs required by the pharmacopoeia in formulating quality standards, and provides our customers with convenient and cost-effective testing services.

General Testing Services

Our Workflow for General Testing Services

Here are following six steps to easily solve your requirements.

General Testing Services

Advantages of Our Services

  • Quickly assess and propose a professional testing plan based on your requirements for general testing of bio-pharmaceuticals.
  • To provide you with the most competitive market quotation and professional consulting services.
  • Arrange the most efficient testing services for your project.

How to Contact Us?

If you have a requirement about our services, please contact us by phone or email, our colleagues will reply to you within three working days.

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