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Exosome Development for Peptide & Protein Delivery


CD Formulation, a leading biologics company, is at the forefront of developing innovative solutions for drug delivery. We specialize in engineering exosomes for targeted therapeutic delivery of peptides, proteins, and nucleic acid drugs. Our core business includes exosome development services, designed to help customers solve drug delivery challenges encountered in the development of peptide and protein drugs.

Application of Exosomes in Drug Delivery

Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that act as natural carriers for intercellular communication. These tiny lipid bilayer vesicles are secreted by various cell types and play a vital role in transferring bioactive molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, between cells. Exploiting their inherent properties, exosomes have emerged as promising vehicles for drug delivery. They offer several advantages, such as enhanced stability, biocompatibility, and the ability to cross biological barriers, making them ideal for delivering therapeutic peptides and proteins.

What Can We Do for Peptide & Protein Delivery Exosome Development

  • Isolation of Exosomes

Whether exploratory studies or scaled production, we'll select the optimal isolation approach tailored to your goals. Through streamlined methods harnessing leading-edge equipment, we can concurrently harvest exosomes batch-wise or at volume - promising standardized quality control. For example, our concentrated collection system can rapidly draw 10 L of conditioned media down to just 500 mL within mere hours. This efficiently captures nearly 1014 exosome particles.

  • Our advanced ultracentrifugation equipment and technology guarantee exosome purity.
  • Size-exclusion chromatography can better preserve the integrity of exosomes and other molecules.
  • Microfluidic technology has a fast separation rate, high yield and good purity.
  • Immunoaffinity chromatography technology has high specificity and purity, and can collect exosomes expressing specific molecules.
  • Polymer precipitation technology is simple to operate, can expand sample capacity, and saves time and cost.
  • Peptide and Protein Loading
  • Direct loading: We explored various strategies to load peptides or proteins into exosomes to maximize their delivery potential, including simple incubation as well as electroporation, sonication, freezing and thawing, etc. We choose the most appropriate method based on your needs and sample characteristics.

Process of loading peptides and proteins into exosomes - CD formulation

  • Donor cell transformation: We transfect the plasmid expressing the target peptide or protein into the donor cells, and then the specific genes can be overexpressed in the exosome donor cells and wrapped in the exosomes or exosome membranes, forming drug-loaded exosomes.

Process of obtaining exosomes loaded with peptides and proteins through cell transfection - CD Formulation

  • Exosome Analysis

Comprehensive characterization of exosomes is also a crucial step. CD Formulation's comprehensive analysis services include exosome quantity, physicochemical characteristics and composition.

  • Use a nanoparticle tracking analyzer (NTA) to detect exosome particle concentration and particle size range.
  • Drug loading efficiency was determined by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and NTA techniques.
  • Western blotting (WB) can be used to detect exosome surface marker expression.
  • Use transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to observe exosome structure.
  • Detection of microorganisms, endotoxins, mycoplasma, protein concentration, and cell secreting factors in cell culture supernatants.

Highlights of Our Peptide and Protein Delivery Exosome Development

  • Exosomes can stably encapsulate peptides and proteins, ensuring their integrity during transport and in target tissues.
  • Exosomes can penetrate biological membranes and solve the challenges posed by biological barriers, including the blood-brain barrier.
  • We can deliver peptides and proteins directly into the cytoplasm via exosomes, maximizing the intracellular therapeutic potential of drugs.
  • We can modify exosomes through exosome engineering to help peptides and proteins be accurately delivered to target tissues or cells.
  • Patient-derived exosomes can minimize immunogenicity issues, enabling personalized medicine and reducing immune responses.

CD Formulation's Exosome Development Service for Peptide & Protein Delivery leverages the unique properties of exosomes to enhance the transportation and delivery of therapeutic peptides and proteins. With reduced immunogenicity concerns and versatile formulation options, our peptide and protein delivery exosome development service opens up new possibilities for targeted therapies and personalized medicine. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us!


  1. Haney M.J.; et al. Exosomes as drug delivery vehicles for Parkinson's disease therapy. J Control Release. 2015, 207:18-30
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