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Exosome Analysis Services



Exosomes contain a variety of substances such as DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, and small molecule metabolites, and play an important role in transmitting information between cells. The composition of exosomes may be directly related to the patient's pathological state. Exosomes derived from different cells contain different components and can be used as early diagnostic markers for a variety of diseases, and can also be used as carriers of targeted drugs for disease treatment. Therefore, analyzing the composition of exosomes is helpful for biomarker discovery, disease diagnosis, and mechanism research.

CD Formulation has advanced equipment platform and experienced professional team, and we take "high quality service" as our purpose to provide full support for your exosome analysis.

Our Exosome Analysis Services

CD Formulation provides a variety of exosome analysis services, including exosome proteomics analysis, exosome RNA sequencing analysis, exosome lipidomics analysis and exosome metabolomics analysis. We are committed to providing high-quality services to help you further understand exosomes.

Exosome Proteomics Analysis Service

Exosome proteomics studies the cytoplasmic and membrane proteins encapsulated in exosomes as the research object, analyzes the relationship between exosome proteins and diseases, physiological processes, and studies the mechanism of exosome proteins involved in intercellular information transfer and their potential as biomarkers.

CD Formulation provides professional exosome proteomics analysis to identify the protein composition of exosomes and quantitatively analyze proteins. Through powerful bioinformatics technology, we can also help you discover biological markers.

Exosome RNA Sequencing Analysis Service

Exosomes not only contain protein components, but also contain some RNA components, such as mRNA, miRNA, lncRNA, circRNA, etc. The RNA carried by exosomes is collectively referred to as exosome-derived RNA, which has a complete sequence structure and biological activity. The RNA content of exosomes from different cell sources is not the same. Sequencing exosome RNA through high-throughput technology can quickly and efficiently obtain comprehensive information about exosome RNA, which is an ideal means for disease diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.

CD Formulation relies on rich experience in RNA projects and leading bioinformatics analysis capabilities to provide a complete exosome RNA sequencing analysis service process from sample extraction, library construction and sequencing, to data analysis.

Exosome Lipidomics Analysis Service

Lipids play an important role not only in the structure of exosomes but also in the process of exosome formation and release into the extracellular environment. Exosome lipidomics analysis can help us to understand the biogenesis and function of exosomes, identify lipid-based biomarkers, and reveal their monitoring function in diseases.

CD Formulation provides reliable, fast, and cost-effective one-stop service for exosome lipidomics analysis based on a highly stable, repeatable, and sensitive system for separation, characterization, identification, and quantitative analysis.

Exosome Metabolomics Analysis Services

Metabolites are one of the exosome contents that have received the most attention in recent years. The exosome metabolome contains a large amount of disease-related information. As a new force in exosome research, it helps to comprehensively study the contents of exosomes and analyze the biological functions of exosomes from multiple angles.

CD Formulation provides efficient and accurate metabolomics analysis services. We tailor our services to meet your specific research needs, ensuring comprehensive analytical services of the highest precision.

Our Exosome Analysis Workflow

Our Exosome Analysis Workflow

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