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Culture Medium Formulation Customization


Culture Medium Formulation Customization

Cell culture medium is one of the most important raw materials for biopharmaceutical production. It is an artificial simulation of the nutritional environment of cells growing in the body, providing cell nutrition and the material basis for promoting cell growth and proliferation. Therefore, as long as cells are used to manufacture biotechnology products, the important role of cell culture media is irreplaceable. Currently, cell culture medium is widely used in biopharmaceutical industries such as vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, as well as in various biomedical technology research.

CD Formulation has rich experience in culture medium Formulation customization, which can provide customized medium development and optimization services based on the different cell lines (CHO-K1, CHO-S, CHO-DG44, CHOZN, etc.) and needs of partners to enhance protein expression levels and improve protein quality (including glycotype, charge distribution, polymers and fragmentation, etc.), while also achieving the purpose of helping partners reduce commercial production costs.

How to Custom Culture Medium Formulation?

Based on your requirements, CD Formulation offers medium customization services to help meet your unique specifications for any project. Any performance medium can be fine-tuned to your requirements to help support successful outcomes.

Catalog medium doesn't have to be one-size-fits-all. Flexibly create your own custom cell culture medium to suit your needs, we can customize the medium by adjusting any of the following options:

  • Add or remove components
  • Change a concentration
  • Switch packaging
  • Select from cGMP or non-GMP
  • Choose QC tests

Quality Control for Custom Culture Medium

We have advanced quality inspection equipment, which can strictly test a number of quality control indicators and perform a number of quality control test:

  • Appearance and Clarity
  • pH
  • Osmolarity
  • Bacterial endotoxin
  • Sterility testing
  • Cell growth testing
  • Stability testing
  • Exploring cell starvation or other culture conditions
  • Apoptosis or morphological observation

Our Process of Custom Culture Medium Formulation

Culture Medium Formulation Customization

CD Formulation has many years of experience in cell culture medium formulation development and cell detection product development, and is proficient in the culture conditions of most conventional cells, immune cells and stem cells. We have strong external procurement team and independent synthesis and raw material testing capabilities to ensure the reliability of raw materials. If you need rare raw materials, we can purchase them globally at any time, if necessary, we can synthesize them independently and make sure your needs are met. We also have complete product testing capabilities: we can detect 20 indicators such as endotoxin, cell proliferation rate, and adhesion effect, et. with reference to international standards or national regulations. We have complete equipment and rich experience. In addition, we also provide a full range of technical services: we can provide cell proliferation, apoptosis detection, viral transfection, protein immunoblotting, animal in vivo experiments, toxicological testing and many other derivative services. We also have an advanced traceability system that retains relevant data for more than 6 months and can trace the entire process from raw material warehousing, quality inspection, weighing, production, final product testing, etc. to ensure worry-free. If you have relevant needs, please feel free to contact us!

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