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Antibody Injection Development


Antibody injection is a biological agent that can accurately identify and attack specific pathogens or pathological substances. It has been widely used in various medical fields, including tumor treatment, autoimmune disease treatment, etc. The main application areas include tumor treatment, autoimmune disease treatment, neurological disease treatment, etc. As a pioneer in the field of biologics, CD Formulation specializes in developing high-quality antibody injections.

Antibody Injection Development

Why Are Antibodies Given by Injection?

  • Improve Antibody Bioavailability

As proteins, antibodies have a large molecular weight. After oral administration, their digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract will break down the antibodies, resulting in reduced drug efficacy. Injectable administration can circumvent the reduction in antibody effectiveness caused by the digestive system.

  • Enhance Antibody Efficacy

Administration by injection allows the antibody to reach the target site quickly and accurately, thereby better exerting its efficacy.

Our Antibody Injection Development Process

  • Preparation of Raw Materials and Packaging Materials

You can choose to let us help you produce antibodies, or you can provide antibody samples. Since the preparation process requires repeated experiments, please provide as many samples as possible.

When selecting excipients, we focus on their compatibility, stability, and functionality to help maintain the concentration of antibodies in the blood and enhance the targeting of the drug.

When selecting packaging materials, we strictly ensure the sterility and quality of the containers, conducting physical and chemical inspections of the containers.

  • Recipe Optimization

You can choose to let us optimize the formula of antibody injection for you. CD Formulation's expert team has a wealth of knowledge in the field of antibody formulation and can improve the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability and safety of antibodies through formulation optimization.

  • Quality Control

CD Formulation implements a strict quality control system. During the production process, we regularly inspect each production step to ensure that each step meets the preset quality standards.

Before delivering samples, we will conduct a comprehensive quality inspection. We can also help customers conduct quality analysis of antibody injections, including physical properties, chemical properties, biological activity, and bacterial and endotoxin testing.

Highlights of Our Antibody Injection Development Services

  • Professional R&D Team

We have a R&D team composed of well-known experts at home and abroad, with rich experience in the development of antibody injections.

  • Advanced Facilities

Our facilities have reached international leading levels and can ensure high-quality antibody injection development.

  • Strict Quality Control

We implement a strict quality control system to ensure the stability and consistency of each link, thereby ensuring the high quality of the antibody injection.

  • Personalized Services

We provide personalized services based on customer needs, including customized antibody injection development, technical support, etc.

CD Formulation provides comprehensive technical support for the development of antibody injections. From early free consultation to after-sales service, we serve customers with a dedicated and professional attitude to ensure that customers can make full use of our products and services. We look forward to providing you with the highest quality antibody injection development services, please contact us as soon as possible to learn more about our services and consult on your specific needs.

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