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Antibacterial Serum Preparation Service


As bacterial resistance continues to grow, innovative new therapeutics like antibacterial antibodies will be critical. At CD Formulation, we specialize in preparing high-quality antibacterial serums to support novel therapeutic development. With a commitment to quality, precision, and customer focus, CD Formulation has become a trusted partner to companies ranging from innovative startups to multinational pharmaceutical leaders. We leverage this expertise to provide antibacterial serum solutions that consistently exceed expectations.

What is Antibacterial Serum?

Antibacterial serum contains antibodies that can recognize and neutralize bacterial pathogens. It is produced by immunizing an animal host with antigens from target bacteria to trigger a protective immune response. The antibodies generated bind to surface proteins and structures in bacteria, blocking their ability to infect cells and cause disease. When derived from hyperimmunized animal hosts, antibacterial serum offers a highly concentrated mix of antibodies tailored to combat specific bacterial strains.

How Do We Prepare Antibacterial Serum?

  • Immunogen Preparation

    Our immunogens can be live bacteria, dead bacteria, bacterial components or synthetic antigens.

  • Immunogen Stimulation

    We inject immunogens into animals to stimulate their immune systems to produce specific antibodies.

  • Serum Collection

    When enough antibodies are produced in the immunized animals, we will collect their whole blood to obtain an antibody-rich serum.

  • Serum Purification

    The blood cells, fibrin and other components in the serum are removed to obtain a clarified serum.

  • Quality Control

    Conduct quality testing on the prepared antibacterial serum, including testing on the titer, specificity, safety and other aspects of the antibody to ensure product quality.

  • Packaging and Storage

    Qualified antibacterial serum is packaged and stored under appropriate temperature and humidity conditions to ensure its quality and stability.

Applications of Our Antibacterial Serum Development Service

  • Development of Antiserum for Immunotherapy

We can help customers develop antisera for the treatment of bacterial infections that can provide immediate immunity against pathogens to immunocompromised patients.

  • Antiserum Development for Prevention

Bacterial infections need to be vigilant in high-risk environments such as surgeries and burns. CD Formulation can help customers develop antibacterial serum with preventive effects.

  • Development of Antiserum for Animal Health

In animal breeding, we can help customers apply antibacterial serum to prevent and treat animal bacterial infections and improve breeding efficiency.

Our Antiserum Preparation Technology Platforms

  • Immunogen Preparation Technology

We use modern biotechnology methods to prepare efficient and specific immunogens to ensure the quality and specificity of antibodies.

  • Serum Collection and Processing Technology

We have rich experience and professional technology to ensure the quality and stability of serum collection and processing.

  • Purification and Concentration Technology

We use advanced purification and concentration technology to obtain high-concentration antibacterial serum.

  • Quality Testing Technology

We use industry-leading quality testing technology to conduct comprehensive testing of antibacterial serums to ensure product quality.

Advantages of Our Antibacterial Serum Preparation Services

By choosing CD Formulation as your partner for antibacterial serum preparation, you can benefit from:

  • Decades of collective biologics experience applied to creating high-quality antibacterial antibodies quickly and efficiently.
  • Close collaboration with immunology experts who customize each project for success.
  • Streamlined development timeline and reduced burden on client resources.
  • Serum tailored to your exact bacterial target(s), maximizing potency.
  • Trusted quality and safety record meeting global regulatory standards.

CD Formulation is proud to be at the forefront, helping clients develop the antibacterial biologics of the future. We have the expertise, quality systems, and facilities ready to support your program from discovery through market launch. Let us bring our passion for innovation together with your vision to create the next generation of antibacterial therapies. Please contact us to learn more about partnering with CD Formulation for premier antibacterial serum solutions tailored to your needs.

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